Chapter 1

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Laurence gets ready for school. Laurence walks down the stairs with his green backpack. As Laurence got to school as he see everyone chatting. Then one girl comes up says hi I'm Emilia. laurence like hey I'm laurence. Emilia reply's nice to meet you we can hang out some time. Ya that sounds fun laurence said. "Emilia walks away". As Day was over Laurance was walking . Laurence saw some kid in dark alley. As Laurence walk down the alley he saw the kid with a knife. Laurence was like why are you holding a knife ? As Gene walks by Laurence why you by the gay kid. Laurence like what? "Gene walks off" laurence like to Garroth what is he talking about? Garroth reply's because he saying the truth. Laurence like oh ok. Garroth says I'm a loser for being gay. Laurence says your not a loser. "Garroth blush as red as apple" really you don't think that bad for being gay Garroth says . Laurence like at least your being who you are. Garroth like thx so much for making me feel better.
Np that's what friends are for laurence said. Garroth like we're friends? Laurence like ya. Garroth says cool I should go. Laurence like oh ok bye see ya tomorrow. Garroth says bye see ya "walks off". As Laurence walks home enter his home see his parents talking . Laurence mom says Laurence how's school? Laurence says it's was great . Laurence dad like great that's good Laurence walks up the stairs to his room he sits on his bed watching the tv and gets a call from Emilia. Laurence answers hello? Emilia says hey want to hangout. Laurence says sorry I have homework to do. Oh ok that fine Emilia said. Phone call ends.

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