The Lightwood

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I entered the light at the age of 19, I had finally left my home to escape my daily torture and was walking around in the noon darkness, and noticed one of them, a lightwood. The lightwoods are forests covered completely in light, no one knows exactly why or what's inside, because no one has ever been brave enough to venture into one, but I have always wanted to, and now is the time. I confidently marched toward the woods, not knowing what I would find inside. As I reached the edge, I hesitated, then slowly walked into the light, blinded by the sudden brightness. My eyes, much to my surprise, quickly adjusted, letting me see almost perfectly in the light. I wandered around close to the edge, only if for some reason I needed to get out quickly. After a short time though, my fears subsided and I decided to go deeper into the woods, and I was almost certain the light was getting brighter with each step, and there was dust? No, little sparkling balls of light around me, moving in an almost fluid manner.

I saw a clearing up ahead, so bright that it hurt my eyes, adjusted as they were. I squinted against the light and strided into the clearing to see...I...I don't even know how to describe was what looked like a portal of some sort...a quite literal hole...floating in the air in the middle of the clearing.

"That must be what causes the light around these woods..." I think to myself "Although," I said aloud "I do wonder what would be inside of it..." my voice trailed off as I slowly walked around this strange anomaly. A sudden whooshing sound and a blueish light from the front of the portal came forth, out of fear I ran and hid in the underbrush at the edge of the clearing. I watched as a human-like silhouette formed at the mouth of the portal. Frantically I thought to myself, Is this one of the creatures? Do they actually exist? I was terrified to see what would come forth from the portal. The figure took a few slow steps, emerging from the light, allowing me to see

In the clearing there now stood a tall, tan man with about shoulder length black hair and piercing brown eyes. He looked no older than 20, with handsome features, and a strong jawline. He stood with purpose, broad, powerful shoulders leading to thin yet muscular arms and powerful legs placed slightly apart. He was clothed in a white vest of some sort, and tight white pants made of what looked like a sort of light cloth. At his side hung a sword with a crystal hilt and white sheath tipped with silver. I didn't know what to do, whether to run, or to reveal myself, or to just stay there and hope that he doesn't notice me. Was he dangerous? Would he kill me if he saw me? In my nervousness I must have shifted, as a small branch snapped loudly under my foot. His head turned quickly toward the sound and I covered my mouth, holding my breath, tears pricking at my eyes. He slowly yet gracefully began to stride towards me, though at the time I had no chance to admire the grace of his walk. I was on the verge of panic, I knew I should run but I was petrified, he walked with his hand on his sword.

"He's going to kill me!" The dreadful thought ran through my mind as tears streamed down my face. He approached the bush I was behind and pushed it aside, revealing me cowering in fear. Complete shock and disbelief quickly spread across his face. Somehow in the midst of my fear I found the strength to move. I stood abruptly, turned, and began running, although it felt like slow motion.

"Wait!" I hear a deep voice call from behind me, I knew I should've kept running, but something about the voice made me stop. "Come back." The voice, his voice, calls to me. I slowly turn to see him exactly where he was moments ago, but in a more relaxed stance. "Come here," he said with a slight shakiness about his voice, "please, I'd just like to talk to you." I took a few steps closer to him, stopping about ten feet away. "You can come closer, I won't hurt you" he says kindly. I nervously glanced at the sword hanging from his side. "Oh, this? I apologize, you never know what you'll find in these woods." He says with a slight chuckle as he takes the sword from his side and tosses it to the other side of the clearing. "There, all better, you can come out now." I hesitantly walked toward him until we are about four feet away and he then turned and walked into the clearing and I followed.

He turned to face me once we were fully in the clearing and looked me over. Suddenly I was very self conscious of my self, I stood about three inches shorter than him, I was thin, with a long face and long slender legs. At the time I was wearing a tight black T-shirt, a pair of well fitting jeans, and some plain black shoes. As he looked me over I instinctively crossed my arms over my slightly larger than average chest. He looked over me once more then finally spoke.

"Are you one of them? The ones that live in the darkness?" I nodded my head. "Why are you in here? Also, how can you see?" I looked around nervously, feeling a bit pressured and uncomfortable. "Sorry, I got a bit carried away" He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "Uh, my name's Castrian, what's yours?"

"Estena." I say weakly and quietly.

He looks up and, with a slight hesitation, says "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you."

I clear my throat and, this time a bit louder, say "Estena. My name is Estena."

He extends his hand to me "Well it's nice to meet you Estena." Every fiber of my being protested but I slowly extended my hand to meet his. His skin was soft, and as he lightly grasped my hand, I noticed for the first time how contrasting our skin tones were. I looked up and my eyes met his, they were gorgeous, a deep, beautiful brown. As I did he smiled kindly at me, and the faintest blush appeared on my face. After a few moments I released his hand and looked away shyly, as did he.

"So, why exactly are you here?" He asked, his head tilted inquisitively.

"Well, uh, I've never feared the light and I, um, wanted to see what was in here." I responded while looking up, down, everywhere, anywhere but at him.

"Well, now you know I guess, wait, how can you see? I always thought your kind could only handle very minimal amounts of light."

"My kind? What do you mean by that?" I thought with a slight bit of anger that quickly subsided. "W-Well," I began shakily "I'm not exactly sure how I can see, all that I know is that my eyes are completely different from everybody else's...I suppose because of that they are better suited for the light than most others..." He opened his mouth, probably to ask another question, but before he had the chance I spoke up. "What's in there?" I asked, pointing to the portal. He turned to look at it then faced me once again.

"In there is the world that I come from, a world bathed in light." I looked at the portal amazed, then back to him with a slightly puzzled expression on my face. "Why did you come through it anyway? Why are you here?" He suddenly looked quite embarrassed.

"I came to watch, every now and then I come through these portals to watch what happens on this side, I've always been fascinated by the darkness and what lives within it." His face by this point was completely red.

"If you were just watching, why did you bring a sword?" I ask demandingly and he chuckles slightly.

"We are in a forest, Estena, and neither of us really know what might be in it," He then added quietly, "also, I wasn't sure what would happen if I was spotted." I nodded understandingly, knowing the reaction he'd most likely have received. I gathered up all of my courage just to ask my next question.

"Can you show me your world? Can you take me to the other side?"

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