Chapter 2 : Deserved That Slap

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It had been at least a month since Yusei had joined Fairy Tail. He was really enjoying it, he loved how everyone treated each other like family, and that they were extremely supportive and protective of each other.

Yusei had been asked a few times about his face markings and the signer mark on his right arm, at first people thought it was another guild's emblem but Yusei told them it was just a tattoo. He said the same about his face marks.

He was sitting in the guild hall when Erza bad gathered the team together at the table Yusei was seated at. Makarov sat in the middle of the table. "I am sending you all on a very important mission! There is a new dark guild, they are very powerful and are threatening to destroy everything. This will be like fighting against Oracion Seis. You will team up with three other guilds." He explained to them. Lucy tilted her head curiously "What are the other three guilds?"

Makarov listed them off "Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus and Sabertooth."

Gray and Natsu grinned, and Erza smiled. Yusei didn't know those guilds but he could tell that by those three's reactions that those were powerful guilds. "Nice, we got four powerhouses against one dark guild. Lets do this! Pack your things, we're leaving soon." Erza announced to the team. They all ran off to pack but Yusei didn't, he had nothing to pack. He simply stood at the guild doors and waited for the others to return.

Once they all got together, they headed for the train station. They arrived and luckily their train was there so they immediately boarded. When the train started moving, Natsu got really motion sick but Yusei didn't, he suspected it was because he rides duel runners all the time. He just went straight to sleep so he didn't have to answer any more questions. He was sitting in a booth with Gray and Natsu, along with Happy. The girls were in the booth across from them.

When Yusei awakened, they had reached their stop. Natsu was first off the train, followed Gray, Lucy, Erza, Wendy, the exceeds, then finally Yusei. They all walked through this small town and towards an inn that was just outside of the town, upon a hill. Thats where they were going to meet the other guilds. When they reached it, they were the second to arrive, the first being Lamia Scale's wizards. Only two wizards, a bald tall man and a white haired man. The white haired guy and Gray started talking in slightly aggressive tones. The bald man simply stayed quiet.

After a few minutes, Blue Pegasus had arrived. It was three guys with a really small man that was probably a pervert with the way he was acting around Erza. The taller blonde one of the four guys looked at Yusei "Guys, a new Fairy Tail wizard." And at that point, anyone non Fairy Tail turned to Yusei, only just now noticing his presence. "Hi..?"

"What's your name?" The bald man said, approaching him. The mechanic gulped slightly "Yusei. Yusei Fudo. Its nice to meet you." The bald man smiled at Yusei "I am Jura."


Yusei had been introduced to everyone and he got small ideas on their personalities. Finally, Sabertooth arrived. Their team consisted of a blonde male, a black haired male, a light blue haired girl that...?!

Yusei's eyes widened when he saw the fourth member of their team. Her dark burgundy hair, brown eyes and fair skin extreme familiar to Yusei. It was...Akiza!!!

"Hey! Sorry were late!" The blonde guy said with a grin.

But then! Suddenly the sound of someone being slapped caused silence to embrace the room. Akiza had run up to Yusei and slapped him across the face. Everyone looked at the two in shock "YUSEI FUDO! NEVER DISAPPEARED LIKE THAT AGAIN! DO YOU KNOW HOW DAMN WORRIED WE WERE ABOUT YOU?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW LONG WE LOOKED FOR YOU?! HOW MANY TIMES WE ALMOST GAVE UP HOPE!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!" Akiza screamed at Yusei, her eyes full of tears. Yusei knew he deserved that slap, he let her scream at him but all he could is smile.

"WHY ARE YOU SMILING?! THIS IS NOTHING TO SMILE ABOUT, YOUNG MAN! YOU ARE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE!!! STOP FREAKING SMILING!!! YOU OBLIVIOUS IDIOT!!! HOW DI-" Akiza's second rant was cut off by Yusei hugging her tightly "I missed you, Akiza..."

Akiza slowly hugged back and cried into Yusei's shoulder. "I...I missed you too, Yusei..." Yusei pulled away from the hug and cupped Akiza's cheeks. He leaned in and gently kissed her, she kissed back as she rested her hands on Yusei's chest. When they broke apart, they both just stared lovingly into each others eyes.

"I love you, Aki."

"I love you too, Yus"

This world just got a whole lot better for both Yusei and Akiza.

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