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Noel's POV

I woke up late this morning, so threw on a dark blue t-shirt dress and tied a denim jacket around my waist. I put on my low top converse and put my hair up in a bun. I wanted to look semi-cute because today's the day I go to Brandon's house. Once I was ready, I grabbed my keys and drove to school. 

I walked into the classroom and spotted Brandon. I smiled at him and walked to my seat. "Hello! I cheered.

"Why are you so happy?" he chuckled.

Maybe because I just saw you.

"I don't know." I shrugged and put my bag on the back of my chair.

Class started and it was pretty boring. Tinkerman put on a video about Darwin's theory. I looked over to see Brandon almost falling asleep. I nudged him. "Hey, Brandon. Wake up!" 

"Huh? What?" He jolted awake and looked very confused. 

"Am I still coming over after school?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Do you want me to drive you?" he kindly offered.

"Thanks, but I have a car that I drove here. However, I still need your address." I replied.

"Oh yeah. Here." He quickly texted me his address. My phone beeped and I opened the text.

"Thanks." The video was ended and Tinkerman dismissed the class. I got up and exited the room.

· · ·

At lunch, I sat with Charlotte and Maddie. I met Maddie yesterday. She is in my 3rd period class, so I get to walk to lunch with her. While at lunch, Brandon came over. "Hello, ladies!" he said.

"What do you want, Arreaga?" Maddie sassed.

"Woah there. No need to be so rude. But if you must know, I came to see Noel." Brandon explained. I tried not to blush as he put his arm around me. 

"Awww! Date already!" Charlotte squealed. Brandon pulled me into a hug. I snatched his glasses and put them on. 

"Hey!" Brandon yelled and took them off of me. I started laughing. "That's not nice, Noel." he scolded. I kept laughing and he laughed too.

· · ·

It was now the end of the school day and I went to my locker and put my books into my bag. I then walked out of the building to my car and got in. I put Brandon's address into the gps on my phone. It was about a 10-minute drive. I pulled up in the driveway and got out of my car. I went up to the door and rang the doorbell. An unexpected face opened the door. He had curly black hair and very plump lips. 

"Hi! I'm Edwin!" he stuck his hand out for me to shake. "We've heard a lot about you. Please, come in!" 

"We?" I questioned as I walked inside. 

"Yeah. Me, Nick, Zion, and Austin. Did Brandon not tell you about us?!" Edwin asked all offended.

"No, sorry." I replied. At that moment, a tall guy with round eyes and bleached dreads came into view. 

"Edwin! Where's my—ohh! Who's this?" he asked all giddy. 

"This is Noel!" Edwin replied and winked. 

"Ohhhh! Hi, Noel! I'm Zion." the tall guy stated and shook my hand. He then went to the stairs and yelled, "Brandon!! Your girlfriend's here!!" 


Brandon came running down the stairs. "She's not my girlfriend!!" he defended. Brandon then grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. As we reached the top of the staircase, another guy walked past. He had a very angled face and a sharp jawline. 

"Well, well, well. Who is this?" he said.

"This is Noel. Noel, this is Nick." Brandon said.

"So this is the famous Noel!" Nick said as he got super excited. 

"Do you really talk about me that much?" I asked Brandon.


"YES!! You're all he's been talking about since we got home from school yesterday!" Nick practically yelled. Mine and Brandon's faces got super red.

"Come on, Noel. We have a project to do." With that, he took me into what I assumed was his room. 

"Are there any other people in this house I should know about?" I asked. Brandon chuckled.

"There's one more." Brandon said. "YO AUSTIN!!" A very tall white dude came in. He had long blonde hair. "This is Austin."

"Hi Austin." I waved. Austin's eyes went wide. He looked at Brandon.

"Is this her?!" he whispered shouted. Brandon nodded and smiled.

Wow. He must really talk about me a lot.

Austin squealed and left the room. We heard him yell down the stairs, "Guys! Have you met Noel yet?!" I laughed and Brandon turned bright red.

After working for a while, my head started to hurt. I turned to Brandon. "Hey, can I get some water? All this reading and stuff is giving me a headache."

"Yeah, yeah. Do you take a break?" Brandon replied, getting up. He held his hand out to help me up. I smiled and grabbed it. 

"Yeah, sure." I said. We walked down to the kitchen and he got a glass out of the cabinet. He filled it with water and handed it to me. "Thank you." I said and smiled. 

"What do you want to do?" Brandon asked. 

I swallowed my water and said, "Ummm... Do you have Netflix? We could watch a movie."

"Yeah, okay." he replied. "I have Netflix on my tv." We went into the living room and he set it up while I sat on the couch. Once he had finished, he came over and sat right next to me. He then put his arm around me.

Oh my god! Why is he being so flirtatious?!

"What do you want to watch?" Brandon asked me. 

"Ooh! The new 'Beauty and the Beast' movie is on here! Let's watch that." I said, smiling like a little kid. He clicked on it and the movie started. I scooted down a little and put my head on his shoulder. 

The movie ended and it was about 5 o'clock. "I should probably be heading home." I said to Brandon. He pulled me into a hug. 

"I had fun, El." 

"El?" I questioned.

"Yeah, 'El.' That's your new nickname." he started to lean in, and I knew he was going to kiss me. I put my legs over his lap and pulled his face toward mine, connecting our lips. After a couple seconds, Brandon kissed back. Our lips moved perfectly in sync. We both slowly started to pull away. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled too. 

"Bye, Brandon." I said, and got off of the couch. As I was walking to the door, I felt a hand grab my wrist. I turned around to see Brandon.

"Wait." he said and smashed his lips into mine once again. It was short, but passionate. We then pulled apart. "Bye." he simply said. 

When I got home, I was still smiling. I walked in and put my keys down. My mom came into the room. "Hi, honey." she said. "Why do you look so happy?" 

"Oh, it's nothing." I said, and then I went to my room to call Charlotte. 

Word Count//1190

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