The Day She Fell (Ch 1)

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My name's Luquea, and I'm Emilia the Hero's twin sister. I can't activate my Better Half, so I mastered combat to accommodate for my lack of magic use.

"Emilia. You're going to fight again the Demon General Lucifer. He lead the attack to destroy father's town. Our town. Please let me come with you this once" I said as she was about to lead the counter-attack.

"But you can't manifest your Sacred Sword. I don't want-" She started but I cut her off.

"No, I won't be a liability and I won't get in the way. I won't get hurt and I won't let Lucifer get away" I growled. She sighed and then slowly nodded.

"Fine, but only if you stay by my side" She said as I nodded my head. I was never allowed to go into a major battle.

We left and the battle went on. I followed Emilia and ran with her. The battle was going good and I had actually been of some help. I was glad of that, but Emilia suddenly pushed me out of the way.

"Watch out! Lucifer's coming!" She yelled as she jumped to the other side right before Lucifer flew between us. "Keep on guard!" She yelled as she flew after him. I wanted to help, but I couldn't do anything. I couldn't fly. The only magic power I have was small bits of energy from my angel side that leaks out. I could only watch as they fought in the sky. The battle raged on until Emilia ran her sword through his chest and yelled something at him. But before she could come back to me, I saw Lucifer blasted a hole through her stomach.

"Emilia!" I yelled as I watched them fall. I ran but was intercepted by a purple beam of magic. I dodged quickly and realized he was somehow still alive. Weakened, but alive. That made my blood boil and my teeth clench as I ran to where they were falling. In a rage of anger and hatred I did what I wasn't able to do my entire life. I summoned my Sacred Sword and my magic that had been kept inside of me unleashed all at once. I caught Emilia's body in a magical barrier and brought her safely to the ground. White wings sprouted on my back and I flew up to where he was and grabbed Emilia's sword that was still in his chest. I pulled it out and ran it through his body again and again. We hit the ground and he was still alive, but helpless. "I see you're immortal. That give's me all the more chances to stab you again and again! It'll get too dull if there are only holes and no more placed to stab you! I should heal you so I can stab you again and again!" I yelled as I kept stabbing and stabbing him over and over again. One of my wings was slowly turning black at the edge. It grew more and more and soon my entire left wing was pitch black. "It must really suck to be immortal in this case, but it wouldn't matter! As long you're still alive, no matter how close to death, I would be able to revive you! Again and again!" I yelled. "The only thing is that I can't seem to revive an angel! A pure angel seems to be too 'pure' to be able to cheat death! The only person I would want to save can't live!" I screamed. Unaware by me, Emilia slowly moved her head to look at me. She saw my black wing and my other wing slowly turning black.

"Lu-Luquea!" She yelled weakly. My head snapped to her and I pinned Lucifer's shoulders down by jabbing my Sacred Sword and my regular fighting sword into both of his shoulders. Not like it would've done anything because he was too weak to do anything. I ran over to her with her Sacred Sword and grabbed her hand.

"Emilia? You're still alive!" I yelled but saw that she barely had power to speak.

"D-don't... Don't a-attack... A-anymore... You're w-wing" She croaked as she pointed to my left wing.

"He deserved it! He- He tried to kill you!" I yelled becoming angry again.

"N-no... I w-will probably d-die... N-no... I w-will" She said as she looked away.

"Don't say that!" I said and panicked.

"Please... I-I don't know... Wh-what this will d-do... B-but it may help... Your wings" She said as she gabbed her Sacred Sword weakly and ran her fingers over the blade. "I-I... Emilia the Hero... D-declare my Better Half... And a-angel half... As a-a part of... My t-twin sister... L-Luquea... Jasutina" She said slowly and her sword floated above her and shone brightly. It hovered to me and became a light and seemed to have spread throughout my body. Some of her blood rose from her stomach. It fused with my body and spread throughout my body. The tip of my right wing that had a faded black on it turned white again, but my left wing remained pitch black.

"What're you doing?! You're going to live! Y-you can't die here!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face.

"I-I will... P-please, you're p-power is... D-doubled... D-don't m-misuse it" She said and I felt her body get weaker.

"I'll get revenge. For you and dad. I swear it" I said as I picked her up and retrieved my Sacred Sword. "Take note that if I ever see you again, then you'll be 'killed' once again. Maybe one day, you'll stay down for good. I actually know how to kill you, but it's better to leave you here to see if you can actually heal. If not then you can rot here until your body corrodes" I said. He didn't really seem conscious, but I had a feeling he heard it. I flew back to the army to find most of Lucifer's forces defeated. I flew higher so everyone could see me. "Emilia's army. The great Demon General Lucifer has fallen. Unfortunately, Emilia the Hero has fallen in battle after vanquishing the Demon General Lucifer" I said and my face darkened. "Emilia the Hero is no more. She has died. I of all people will be the saddest as she was my twin sister, but we must move on to win this war!" I yelled and I heard cheers below me. I must've been too far up for them to see my black wing. Otherwise I'm sure they would've called me a traitor. Emilia's body was now completely limp. "Emilia, you didn't have the best of a life, but if you can hear me from somewhere, you're what made it bearable. You were the best sister I could've asked for" I said as I held her close to me.

Everyone returned to the church and we mourned Emilia's death. I always felt like the church never told me something, but that didn't matter now.

"You've gained the power of a full angel and possibly even more. We must now hone your power. Summon your wings" A priest said.

"That won't really due. You see, I've actually found something useful. I can freeze your time and practice and train as much as I need while unfreezing whatever I want" I said. The church members were about to protest as they started to lunge at me with their arms out to tell me to stop, but I froze time and they stopped. After that I trained for a long time to make up for all of the time I lost when I couldn't use my angelic powers. I found that I was unable to really age anymore. Being half angel and half fallen angel seems to have made my lifespan very, very long. I froze everyone else's time for over 200 years and fought with some of the worst monsters and demons. After a while it got so easy, I started to fight with no socks or shoes and stood on my forefeet only to give myself more of a challenge. My balance became great and now I always stand on my forefeet section. I came back and unfroze everyone's time.

"So you really did freeze time" The church member said as he saw me.

"Yeah, now that I'm prepared, I'm going to enact revenge. Yes, I did freeze all of Ente Isla, but no, I didn't kill Satan or his army. It's no fun that way" I said as I left. That was when I started to defeat the Demon Army.


Hello, this is my second story. My first story is called "Can Fallen Angels Truly Love (Urushihara x Reader)". The love rival is a character I made up and if this one isn't your cup of tea, then maybe check out my first book.

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