Luv ya docta peepa

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one OOFY day as the sun was beginning to set below the trees as dusk was approaching over the horizon consuming the sky with darkness the four girls were stomping through the slush as the days were starting to heat up Summer was leading the way as the wind whipped through her hair as her beanie flew off into the woods. Then all of a sudden the four girls were highly disturbed as they heard "HIYA GEORGIE" Aloosa reacted by turning around and attacking the meme lord known as dan the man. Da gurls and dan continued into the woods after da beanie, when they had a weird feeling they were being watched. Summer trudged through the woods as Lauren Alyssa and tori and the "meme lord" followed in close in pursuit as the winds got louder and the four started to sway. The creaking in the trees seemed to be following them as they searched the forest for the orange beanie. A clicking noise could be heard as tori took out her camera to film dan dabbing over and over while screaming "SAy SoMethIng Im GiVinG up On yoU, IM SORRY THAT I COULDNT GET TO U" and he passes out from dabbing to hard and falls to the ground. A low snickering could be heard surrounding them as the three huddled around each other. As they began become more concerned they picked up pace. At last they reach the beanie, but then summer pointed out how they had become completely lost in the middle of the forest "WITHOUT FOOD" Tori screamed. The sounds of the chucking ringed through their heads as they frantically started to turn their heads to fine the source of the strange noise. As tori was about to shove he camera down her throat from being starved a spotlight shone over a small red and yellow roof with a cart beneath it. The smell of 45 month old hotdogs filled the air as tori salivated on the ground summer growled like a rabid dog as she crept back from the unusual sight. The curtain pulled up from the cart as the familiar sight of ben in an old crusty apron was standing before them. The wind seemed to disappear as they were dumbfounded " YALL WANT SUM HOTDAWGS THEY SUM REALLLL GUD HAWTDAWGS AND GUESS WHAT, DEY DIPPED IN SOUR MILK gET YA SOUR MILK DAWG FOR JUST 79.99$ AND YALL WONT REGRET IT" tori tackled him as she ran forwards the cart and started to feast on the nasty milk dawgs BAb RAss CAmE oUttA THin aiR WiTh A DiSKo SUit And STARTED To DiSko FiGht And Kick ben In Da No No SQuAre unTil He DiE And Den summEr ScOlDed SmExY bab rAss FiR kIllIng MilK DAwg mAn buT BAB rAss WAZ HAppY BecAuse He was TAlkInG Ti hIs Senpai, every night bab rass would stalk summer hoping that one day he would talk to her but today he had a plan he decided that he was going to rig summers hat with a fishing line and pull it off her head AND DEN HE KILL DAN BY INJECTIN HIM WITH HITLER SALIVA AND DEN HE EXPLODED AND DEN SUMMER WAS so HApoY To MeeT hEr TrU lOve Dat she mAde OuT WiTh Bab Rass and Dey Do DiSko And Dey GuD And AlOoSa And Boons ded body Do TanGo and Dey Have DAnce Off. sinCe Tori Best danCer ToRi Is JUdgE And She SaY Go WhiLe ScArfiNg DoWN ManY mIlK HawT DoGs And Den EvEntUalkY Go SiCk aNd ThRoW uP OnTo BAbS LUcioUs hAiR BAb Rass Try To hUrt toRi For MAkinG Him look bad in front of hiS tRu LoVe So He TrY to PuNch Her in De fAce But Dat no woRk BecAuse TORi Has Da PowEr Of AnIme AMD pOemS And She Beat Da ShiT OuttA BAb, summer crouches down on the the muddy forest floor as her wedding dress was soaked with tears and blood as BAb said his last words " soomer u are De luv of me life, butt trees are hawt" BAb sits up and starts to hump trees and alyssa look away in disgust because SHE IS DE LORAX AND DE LORAX LUV TREES so she rips off his diamond plated Disko suit and puts it on her self because he is no worthy of hawt suit BAb Rass cryies the tears of a chicken nuggetless child as he wraps himself with the bark of the trees to cover up his deformed body, alOOSA ON DE OTHER HAND BE SLAYING AND SHE BE PETTIN THE TREE SAYING IM SORRY THAT BAB RAPED YOU IT WAS NOT OKAY I SHALL USE DA POWER IF DE LAW AND JUSTICE TO AVENGE U MY SWEET CHILD as she floats away with bens ded carcass in her clutch into the sky, BAb Rass was slowly morphing into a tree himself as had sinned because he raped the tree but little did the group know.... that every tree in the forest WAS SOMEONE WHO RAPED A TREE they all cried as they saw da faces of dere ancestors implanted into de trees tori cried as her grandmama Janet was now a dead ole carcass tree thang and began to softly pet the tree whilst feeding it milk dawgs crying because her last family member was turned into a tree. Summer who had recently just became widowed was crying out with tears of joy because her deceased husband WAs Now WiTh His KinD And COULD Be onE WiTh HIS PeoplE buT kn the other half I mean he cheated on her with a tree so she a lil salty u know. As dawn was beginning to approach Lauren, the long forgotten person in this friend group( lol I always get left behind, I got short legs mkay) stepped into the suns rays as she placed the orange beanie on her head. The leaves started to spin around her as she began to float her eyes glowing with purity AS she BEsToWed The Best gIfT iF All.........tAco Bell GIFT CarDs hEll yeAh, summer and tori began to weep tears of joy as the holy being in front of them blessed them with the power of old meat and cheese thousands of gift cards appeared around them as they cheered but summer, grew jealous of the mighty Lauren as she ripped the beanie off of her UgLy HeAd and Lauren exploded into frogs because Lauren wasn't there, Lauren was never there. She was just a pile of frogs they named, but the frogs were pretty chill so like it was cool fam the mighty frog beings lifted themselves up into space to go live on mars because MArS, LiKe Y NoT? Now that soomer has the mighty beanie she could not posses herself to place it among her head as she walked over and through it into the sky and into space were it could never be used again, tori and summer hugged as they knew that this, this moment would be in their lives forever as they walked back to the cabins while everyone was waking up from their nights rest. But tori had left her camera on... AnD EvErYthIng WAs rEvOreDeD And Den EvErYonE gO hOme And Den DinAld trUmo FiND oUr And He WanT pOwer So He KiDnAp TORi And She StiCk iM WhIte HouSe bAsmEnt ForEvEr WhiLe SummEr GIT MarrIed To a TiDe PoD And They LivEd HappIlY evEr AfTer

Dee end
(Oh my God I'm so tired it's 1:42 what was I thinking)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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