Chapter Eight: Questions

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Shikamaru and I were back on his roof. He was laying down with a toothpick in his mouth and his arms folded under his head. My head was rested on one of his folded arms. This has always been one of my favourite pastimes with him. Something about it was so peaceful. This time, though, it was less so. Confusion clouded my mind in the form of a million questions racing by all at once. The main one was, why am I suddenly getting all these feelings around Shikamaru? "What's bothering you?" Damn Shikamaru and his being able to seemingly read my mind. I needed answers, though, and the only person I could think to have them was him.

"What does it mean when you start to feel weird around one of your friends?" I asked him. I wasn't going to specify. I didn't want him knowing and then him freaking out. "What do you mean?" I sighed a little. "Like when you start thinking about them differently and you get this weird twisting in your stomach when they're around or someone mentions their name." I felt him tense up and panicked internally. He must know I'm talking about him. "Is this about Naruto?" I almost let my jaw drop. What would make him think that? "No." He turned his head and looked at me. "Sai?" My nose scrunched up unintentionally. It isn't that I don't like Sai it's just that I've never even considered that. "No." He thought for a moment. "Kakashi?" I couldn't help but laugh at that one and he smiled a little. "No! Can you just answer my question?" The smile left his face and he looked back at the clouds.

"It means you like them." I felt my face screw up with my confusion. "Of course I like them, they're my friend." A small smile crawled back onto his face. "More than a friend, Ame." And I realized what he meant. I like Shikarmaru. I like Shikamaru. "Oh," was all I could manage. "Who's the lucky guy?" he asked with a hint of bitterness that confused me. "No one," I lied. He looked at me and cocked an eyebrow. "Do I know this no one?" he asked and I felt awkward. "Kind of." It was weird talking about him without him knowing. It was even weirder knowing I liked him as more than a friend. Everything was weird. "You should talk to him about it. Nothing will happen if you don't make it happen." I thought about that. Should I tell him? "I can't. It would make things weird." The sun was setting and the sky was painted orange. I haven't been home in days, I've been practically living at Shikamaru's. I know I should probably go back to check in at some point, but talking to my mom is still proving to be a problem.

"Anyone would be lucky to have you, Ame. You shouldn't let nerves keep you from potential happiness," he told me. My cheeks reddened. "Maybe I'm happy with what this friend and I have and I don't want to risk ruining it," I suggested quietly. "How long have you been friends with this person?" He questioned. I sighed. "A while."

"Then if they don't feel the same they should still be your friend," he said simply. I thought about this for a little while. Shika would still be my friend, right? Was there even any point? We've been friends so long no doubt he sees me as sister. "Is it Choji?" He asked suddenly. "What? No!" How he could even think that it would be Choji was beyond me. Choji is a great guy, don't get my wrong, but I couldn't look at him that way even if I wanted to. "I told you that time I had a crush on Ino," he pointed out. Honestly, it was a terrible argument. "And I went and told her because you wouldn't," I reminded him. "Touche."

As much as I hated to admit it, if I was going to decide what to do with this ball of confusion in my stomach I'd have to talk to someone else. Who, though? I wasn't close enough to anyone else. If only all this happened before the war. Then I could talk to Sakura, or Hinata, or even Naruto. Naruto. Sure, he was a goofball most of the time, but when it came down to it he really had a way with words and some damn good advice.

"I have to go," I announced and stood abruptly. "Where are you going?" I head him ask from behind me. "I have to talk to Naruto," I told him and hopped from the roof.


I made a beeline for Icharaku. It was lunch time which meant ramen for the yellow haired boy. Sure enough, there he was slurping away with two empty bowls beside him. I tapped his shoulder lightly. He turned around with a mass of noodles hanging from his mouth. I let myself chuckled as he sucked them all in and swallowed. "Heya, Ame," he grinned. "Hi, Naruto. I was wondering if you could help me with something." He pulled out his frog wallet and payed for his ramen before hopping down from the stool. "Whattaya need help with?" He asked. "Maybe we should go somewhere first."

We ended up going to the Academy. No one was loitering outside other than the two of us. Naruto sat on the swing and I took my place leaning against the tree. "I think I like Shikamaru and I don't know what to do," I blurted after a moment. "Why don't you just tell him?" Naruto looked at me like I was stupid and I wanted to punch him. "Because I can't just tell him!"
"Why not?"
"It would make things weird."

Naruto laughed. "Ame, how blind are you?" I scowled at him. "Don't laugh at me. I'm freaking out," I scolded him. "I'm sorry! It's just it's obvious he's liked you since the Academy. If you want my advice, Ame, I think you should just tell him," he shrugged. A strange warm fluttery sensation at his words. I nodded. "Thanks, Naruto." He smiled broadly at me.

[Terrible kick off chapter for my continuing finally after over year, I'm sorry! There aren't many chapters left. Maybe two or three. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy them<3]

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