Earth 50 1.0

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"Any news of their condition, Dr. Palmer?" The High King questioned the Council Member and Trusted Scientist.

"Their conditions are excellent, your majesty. But, we have failed at synthesizing a cure for Queen Caitlin and Queen Kara's hearts. It appears that the only solution we have is a heart transplant, specifically the heart of their doppelgängers. Through the experiments I have conducted with Dr. Albert and Professor Stein, an exact copy of their hearts, only much healthier and not poisoned, could save the Queens and their unborn children from a sleeping curse that apparently has no possibility of ever waking up." Dr. Raymond Palmer answered

"Have we found suitable candidates for the transplant?" The live hologram of the King of Daxton inquired.

"Yes, your majesty. The donor for Queen Caitlin's heart can be found on Earth 1, whereas the donor for Queen Kara's is on Earth 38." Director J'onn Jonzz of the Department of Extra-normal Operations said.

"And may I just say to the people of this council, that our two candidates for the transplant have encountered another Earth who has experienced the same adversary we are facing now." Lord Cisco Ramon informed the council.

"Earth X?" Dr. Harrison Wells asked.

"Yes. They have encountered a Kara Zor-El in need of a heart transplant due to extreme exposure to solar radiation. But, the Earth X-ers failed at their mission to retrieve Supergirl's heart. If we want to do the same thing with Supergirl and Killer Frost's hearts, we must not be blind." Lord Cisco advised.

"May I just ask, why did we pick Earth 38 Kara Zor-El and Earth 1 Caitlin Snow as the candidates for transplant?" Lady Nyssa Al Ghul of the League of Assassins asked.

"Because they are the most miserable, Lady Nyssa. Kara Danvers lost the love of her life, Mon-El of Daxam, after lead was expelled into their atmosphere. Mon-El left the Earth and Kara with a broken heart. He just recently returned to Earth, but he is married to one Imra Ardeen. And Kara Danvers is more miserable than ever." The live hologram of General Kal-El of Daxton said.

The King of Daxton can't help but growl at the mention of Imra Ardeen's name.

"Meanwhile, Caitlin Snow has lost so many that she fell in love with. Ronnie Raymond died. Jay Garrick or Hunter Zolomon betrayed her. And just recently, she realized that she's in love with Barry Allen. But, the love wasn't mutual, as Barry Allen is married to Iris West. And the fact alone makes Caitlin Snow more depressed than ever." Dr. Hartley Rathaway added.

King Barry growled just hearing the name of Iris West.

"I advise that sending in our most valuable agents to retrieve them is not an option, your majesties. I fear that there maybe more casualties that we'd want if that ever happened. Especially as we want this mission to remain as low key as possible, at least for Earth 1 and Earth 38." Dr. Nate Hayewood advised.

"Agreed, Dr. Hayewood. The last thing that we need is a war between two allied Earths and us. We don't want a repeat of their encounter with Earth X." High Queen Sara agreed.

"I suggest that King Mon-El and General Kal-El retrieve Supergirl. That way, we can get the jump on them and retrieve her as fast and as effective as possible. Since her team will be caught off guard, they won't expect it." King Barry suggested.

"And what of Killer Frost, your highness?" Time Master Captain Rip Hunter asked.

"Lord Cisco and I will retrieve Killer Frost. We can have the same advantage over Team Flash as King Mon-El and General Kal-El do with Supergirl." King Barry answered.

"I agree." High King Oliver said.

"But, your majesty. Sending in King Barry and King Mon-El to another Earth is dangerous. Who knows what could happen to them." Lady Lena Luthor-Palmer worried as she turned to the High King.

"Your concern is appreciated, Lady Lena. But, be reminded that King Barry and King Mon-El have traveled through time and between worlds before they became Kings. Have faith in them." Lord Schott eased her worries, as that of the rest of the council that was doubtful of the two Kings traveling between worlds themselves.

"Then, it's settled. General Kal-El and I will arrive on Earth no later than the day after tomorrow, with my wife and all the equipment necessary for immediate transplant." King Mon-El informed the council.

"And I'll have the Medical Wing ready for everything we need to make the operation quick yet concise, your majesty." Professor Martin Stein added.

"And Dr. Rathaway, Dr. Albert, Dr. Wells and myself will be handling the operations on Queen Kara and Queen Caitlin with Professor Stein to make sure nothing goes wrong." Dr. Palmer added.

"It's settled. Our operation will be executed a week prior today. Everything needs to be smooth so that the four of them can be in and out of Earths 1 & 38 faster than our doppelgängers can comprehend." High Queen Sara confirmed.

"Meeting adjourned. Get everything ready." High King Oliver declared.

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