I Miss You

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It was past midnight when I entered the almost empty restaurant where the meeting is about to be held for the new project. This is something big and I understand why we need to meet at this hour.

Two weeks ago, I received an email of the script of the new teleserye GMA is going to make. I won't deny that I was shocked when I read the email subject.

Script for The Rich Man's Daughter: The Married Life.

Without even downloading the attached file, I found my fingers typing my reply. Before I can even talk myself out of this, I need to follow my heart.

Email Sent! There is no turning back.

Only then that I clicked the download button for the attachment and when I looked at role I'm about to play.

Althea Guevarra on big bold letters were written two spaces below the title.

I was just staring at script on my laptop screen. I didn't even blink. I did it. I can't believe I agreed to this after everything that has happened.

And something clicked. Rhian. Will Rhian play Jade?

It ended so quickly. In a blink of an eye, my dreams were severed by other people's expectations. After the break up, our communication was limited to saying hi or hello whenever we meet at work. And for the longest time, I tried my best not to be on the same show as Rhian.

The reason behind it all was so complicated that until now, thinking about it made me dizzy. After spotting us, leaving my place, the fans were so out of control, they were making so much noise on social media. The GMA management was under a lot of stress. I'm not even sure why, or maybe it's just because of fear that they'll lose sponsorship. We tried so hard to fight for what we have at that time but we were just hurting a lot of people. It was so hard when both of us were at the top of our careers and either of us can afford to sacrifice something that gives us security.

So we ended it.

And just after a few months, Rhian and Jase got back together. Just like everyone expected, the issue died and so did I.

"Miss Glaiza?"

"Umm, yeah." I was drawn back from the flash backs when I feel someone tapped me lightly on the arm.

"Miss Glaiza, the meeting will be held at the conference room on the second floor. Please follow me."

I casually followed the lady and when we reached the second floor, the lady open the door of a large room and let me in, closing the door behind her. Few members of the team were there chatting over late dinner and coffee.

"Oh our Althea is here!" Director Dominic greeted me and after my initial greetings to the rest, he ushered me towards a vacant chair. Next to it is another vacant chair and then Sheena. And she smiled.

I can't help but scanned the room for her presence and so much to my disappointment.

I want it to be Rhian, but a part of me is also scared that it would be her. I accepted the project again just because this role made me embraced who I really am even when I cannot tell the world yet.

I am so tempted to ask who would play Jade's character but then it scares the hell out of me if it's Rhian. Who am I kidding? I am not over her.

"So Glaiz? What do you think about the plot? We would start from where we left off. We've decided that a time jump is a cliché So we'll pick off from the time after that kiss." Sir Dom winked at me and I just brushed it off with a shy smile.

"After the kiss?! Not after two years where Jathea are already married?" I asked.

"Like I said Glaiz, that's what everyone was expecting and we've done so many time jumps in the first TRMD, fans deserved something different. So Suzette decided to do away with the After Few Years crap."

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