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Inside the B.P.R.D, the agents were constantly on the lookout for any signs of movement from the three creatures they had just recently captured.

Until Professor Broom and his freak son would arrive, they were under surveillance.

Suddenly, the raven haired girl spasmed and opened her amber eyes to an unfamiliar place. The agents quickly swarmed over her, some taking on notes and others raising their guns.

Seeing the dangerous weapons and her mind on alert mode she glared and fritted her teeth and soon enough, a huge earthquake rattled on the lab and it woke up the other remaining unconscious two.

"Hold Your Fire!"

Someone yelled when the glass capsule holding the amber eyed girl shattered and she quickly created a shield around her and the others.

"What is going on? How did we get here?!"

The amber eyed girl screamed through the pelting of bullets in her shield. The blue eyed girl with jet black hair with a little bit of silver tresses shrugged.

"The last thing I remembered was a sharp pain in the neck"

The blue eyed girl rubbed her neck. Sea green eyes glared at what was in front of the shield "They tranquillized us!" A loud bang came from somewhere followed by a yell.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

The three girls froze for a moment. That voice didn't sound human. Earthea carefully made three peepholes for them to take a look.

A small red man with horns protruding on his head glared at the humans while the one beside him looked at them with a disappointed look.

"Hellboy, mind your language. What on earth is going on here?"

Silence before an answer "We caught these in the marsh lands. Thought we'd brought them over here for inspection" The small red man, Hellboy, snorted.

"By inspection you mean experiment"

Through the peephole, the girls saw the kind man slowly come close to the shield and knocked like he was just visiting an old neighbor.

"Its alright now, they won't harm you anymore"

Hesitantly, the amber eyed girl lowered the shield and eyed the guns still poised in the air. The kind man looked at the group of agents before they lowered down the guns.

Sighs of relief came from each of the frightened girls "Hellboy, take the girls to your room please. I'd like to have a word with Manning about this" Hellboy brightened up and promptly dragged the girls away.

"Most people call me Red but you can call me Hellboy if you like. Anyway, what are your names?"

The girls were surprised that this boy talked as if whatever happened a few moments ago didn't exist.

The amber eyed girl was the first to speak "My names Earthea, the on beside me is Aqua and beside her is Audra" The sea green and blue eyed girls waved respectively.

Hellboy smiled "Are you guys gonna stay? It gets lonely when I'm the only one around here that's different. Mostly the others like me are...bad" The girls looked at one another.

"We are not sure Red" Aqua spoke, still wary of the humans and the dead metal she felt in her bare feet. Earthea shrugged "As long as they don't come after us, living here is fine" Aqua glared sharply at Earthea.


"The humans" Audra answered, her eyes flashing anger for a moment. Hellboy nodded "Yeah, they can be a little...harsh to us freaks but you'll eventually warm up to them" They soon turned into a corner where a room that was littered with cats are.

Aqua gulped while the rest of the girls played with the cats. Red turned to her "Not much of a cat person?" Aqua shrugged.

"We aquatic creatures have uh...issues with them"

Audra giggled when one of the cats brushed against a tickle side "What are they're names?" She asked excitedly, always fond of adorable creatures.

Red and Audra began to play and converse with the cats while Aqua and Earthea watched them with cats surrounding them.

A knock was heard and Aqua tensed up. Red calmly walked towards the door and opened it to reveal the professor.

"Father" Red greeted with a smile. The professor patted the boy in the head before he turned to the girls.

Introduction was given and the girls found themselves chatting comfortably with the professor "Now, tell me. Do you have any parents?" The mood dropped.

"We aren't born like you are"

Audra said unsurely, it peaked the professor's interest "Go on my dear" He encouraged. Aqua wasn't sure if she were to just blurt out that information.

"Well, we don't know how we came to be. We just know that we are born differently than the others"

The professor pondered for a bit before he asked another question "Would you like to stay here and become one of B.R.P.D's agents?" The girls looked at one another before they huddled together.

"I say we go"

"But Aqua, I'm starting to like it here"

"We have only been here Audra for a few minutes and you already want to stay"

"I propose we stay for a few weeks and see how it goes"

Earthea, Aqua and Audra nodded before turning to the professor and Hellboy "We'll see how things go and if we want to, we can come and go as we please" Aqua said.

The Professor smiled and Hellboy gave an ear splitting grin "Finally! I have those that are like me!" The three girls chuckled.

"Welcome to the family then."

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