Who You Are

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Visible from all over Moscow, the beam blazes to the moon! The same phenomenon as it was years ago but this time, it's more intense, with ripples and haloes. Again, the infinite, starry space. Again, the OGDRU JAHAD. The ruby beam pierces the darkness.

Hellboy watches with no show of emotions as the first imprint disappears. In its place: a burning glyph.

Myers struggles with his bindings. The rough hemp cuts his skin, but he manages to free one hand.

Audra and Earthea felt their skins beginning to wrinkle and their throats beginning to hurt from all the screaming.

OGDRU JAHAD shifts, suddenly breaking free. Gelatinous limbs uncurl, expanding its enormity and causing chaos and fear to erupt to the humans below.

Hellboy thrusts his hand into the second imprint.


He turns it slowly. Myers spots the broken rosary and reaches for it as Grigory drinks in the first signs of the arrival and laughs.

"The final seal, Open it!" He orders, a wicked glint in his eyes while Ilsa watches him with a proud look on her face.

Hellboy puts his hand inside on the final seal.


However, before he can turn it, Myers reaches the rosary and Ilsa lunges at him instinctively. Myers quickly clobbered her in the face and she fell down unconscious.

"Remember who you are!" Myers throws the rosary at Hellboy. Instinctively, Hellboy catches it and smoke came out in his hand.

"Remember...father Red...he gave us a choice...gave you a choice..."

Audra called out weakly as she felt herself beginning to fade away. Already the voices around her were beginning to sound incoherent.

Hellboy looked up at Myers then at Grigory and finally it landed on the girls. With a bellowed cry, Hellboy grabbed his horns and quickly tore them apart as red hot energy spews out from the stumps.

"What have you done?! Do you have any idea what you've done?!" Grigory yelled out as he draws closer to Hellboy as if to talk some sense into him.

Hellboy quickly stabbed Grigory with one of the horns. "Yeah, I chose!" Hellboy said twisting the horn from the inside as Grigory drops to his knees, holding his stomach.

Hellboy drops the blood-stained horn. The final lock disappears into the stone and the light flickers and the connection with the moon is broken.

Ilsa, licking her bloody lips, looks up. The sky is silent, the thunder clouds are parting as calmness slowly seeps back into the darkness of the night.

The eclipse has ended.

Grigory crumbles in agony. The burning glyphs in Hellboy's stone hand dim down, his features and body resume their normal shape.

Earthea and Audra gasped when they felt their very own auras returning and the chains that once bound them disappeared in a flash and they crumbled to the ground, unable to hold themselves up.

All is quiet.

"You will never fulfill your destiny. You will never understand the power inside you." Grigory calls out.

"I'll just have to live with that."

Hellboy says as he breaks Myers chains and helps him up. Hellboy painfully takes Liz's limp body in his arms. Myers quickly assisted the girls by slinging each arm on one side of the girls.

"You alright?"

Myers asked and Audra grunted with a grin "Never better..." Earthea let out a weak laugh.

Hellboy steps on something. He looks under his foot and saw what it looked like a smashed glass eye. Then...out of the silence, a whisper.

"Child..." Hellboy turn to face Grigory. Grigory, on his knees, smiles, a very maniacal smile "Look what you've done..." He looks up. In his empty eye socket, fleshy tendrils shift lazily. Adura gagged and turned away.

"You've killed me - an insignificant man... but you have brought forth a God."

"That is the grossest thing I have ever seen apart from Abe eating green rotten eggs"

Earthea hurled as Audra looked away in disgust.

He uncovers his abdomen and a long, fleshy pseudo pod spills out of the wound, like intestines. A large entity erupts from Grigory's torso and claws the air.

"Behold, my master, Behemoth. Guardian of thresholds, destroyer of worlds." Covered in steamy slime, a seven foot, multi-tentacle shape - BABY BEHEMOTH - lands on the slone slabs. The squirming flesh surges up like greasy pink foam. Growing exponentially by the second.

"I knew alien babies were born that way! Doesn't matter if the labourer is a male or female"

Earthea said with a grin as she tries to stand with no help from Myers. Audra gagged "I am never looking at alien movies the same way again..." Hellboy grimaced and turned away.

"Let's go Myers..."

Hellboy said as they walked away. Ilsa scrambled to Grigory's side with a gleam in here eyes.

"Hell will hold no surprises for us"

Illsa said as they were crushed under on of Behemoth's tentacles.


They hadn't got far, mainly because Myers couldn't support both girls for long since he was injured himself.

Hellboy gently settled Liz down while Earthea and Audra dropped beside her as they regained their strength.

"I'm sorry you girls got into this"

Hellboy said quietly and Audra shook her head "We'd rather be here than continue running away. You, Lizzy and Abe are our family Red. Even Myers here" Myers felt himself flush and grin.

"Keep them safe, no matter what. I'll deal with whatever's back in there"

Myers nodded "Be careful...brother" Earthea said before she and Hellboy shared a fist bump.

"Look Out!"

Audra suddenly yells as a tentacle shot out of the dark corridors and pulls Hellboy back. Earthea managed to create a temporary wall to keep any more tentacles from ever coming back and grabbing them.

Myers sighed and sat back down "Now what?" Earthea looked at Audra before leaning on her shoulder, exhaustion finally catching up to her.

"We wait"

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