A loveless love story.

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she comes into her room and spirals out of control

blood runs down her wrist tears fall from her face and she lies awake on the ground at 4 am clutching her bottle of pills trying to convince herself not to hurt the people around her

at school her eyes are empty sad and tired and her mind is consumed with too many thoughts

she wonders why the world is the way it is why we all are playing the same game the same way

if you walked into her room you would see purple walls plastered with pictures of happy times

if you looked a little closer you might see something different

you might see thousands of quotes sprawled on paper in rushed handwriting.

you might find dozens of note books filled with thoughts and poetry

you will find mugs one filled with tea and sad books in every corner

if you look even closer you will find a variety of blades and pain killers

cigarettes and drugs, bottles of alcohol and stolen shot glasses

lighters in every nook and letters shoved into every crack

if you look in the trash you will find plenty of waste from products that attempt to make you "beautiful" among them you will find no shortage of bloody tissue

if you look on her phone it might seem innocent at first but once you see all of her double accounts sad music and deppering pictures and text messages that range from "im done trying to help you" to "did you eat anything today?", you might think differently.

if you looked on her history you would see the hours upon hours she spent watching poetry and trying to help people she didn't even know

the closer you look the more you realize you never really knew her at all

the way he sees her there isn't much too see

on the outside there isn't very much the world knows

cause its all hidden in a far deeper place

much more difficult to reach

but still he looks at her

as if he can see more than there really is, as if he can see deeper than what eyes can perceive

most often she catches him with a looking at her as if wondering how she could possibly be so broken, and most often she if giving him the exact same look.

they were friends

soon he realized though, that she wasn't the face that she put forth,

other people told him, warned him, she was a mess

and he knew, that she drank to much and smoked to often and the cuts, where far to many

but he was the only one, who let her, he let her,

there conversations went on, deep into the night

they met at 2 am in the morning on deserted street corners in the freezing cold,

this was when she was alive,

this was when she could feel


she felt it all so intensely

and he could merely watch and she threw her head back and let the rush of the world run through her and she smiled into his gaze

he watched as she destroyed herself because he knew she needed to do it

so they did it together, and the tore the world up

they shattered buildings made of glass by running through the streets in the pouring rain

they sang in the drunken haze they had made for themselves

and he never really loved her but was always just a little curious

of the girl that no one wanted

and no one ever knew

he never lied to her, he told her the way things were

he was falling just as she was, just as everyone was

always falling always on the very edge

only she was jumping off the edge

so she could live in the moment where she could fly

anything to feel something anything to be alive

he never held her he only told her not to go

but he saw the truth in the world

were all just barley living

and we only get a few moments of happiness

and everything else is really, just meaningless

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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