Bad news

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Darcy's POV:
"I'm sorry but the results aren't at all as we expected."Here I am,with my husband,Jack and daughter,Amy with the midwife waiting to find out if I'm pregnant,"What?"I asked shakily as the panic begins to settle."Again, im awfully sorry Mr and Mrs Williams but I'm afraid you are unable to have anymore kids."

A violent sob racked through my body as I processed his words."thank you" My husband mumbled to the retreating doctor who just gave him a sad smile."Daddy why is mummy crying" I faintly heard Amy ask as the world around me turned black.

I woke up to the sound of beeping.Slowly peeling my eyes open,I instantly regretted it as I felt the affect of the light.Slowly,I sat up taking in my surroundings. "Darce"Jack whispered sympathetically,holding a sleeping Amy tightly to him.

He stood up gently laying Amy down on the chair he was previously on and made his way over to me,pulling me into his soft embrace. I didn't react, I felt numb but I eventually returned the hug."Jack" i croaked back against his chest." Yes baby" he said to me, his voice muffled by my hair."Can we go home now?"I asked desperately, looking up at him with big eyes."Sure baby" he answered with the happiest voice he could muster right now."Let's go" I said grabbing our bags as he grabbed Amy.

The journey home felt long and silent but in reality it was only a few minutes long.
When we got home I checked the time;12:35am. Damn!" I'm going to put her to bed" Jack informed me, before disappearing up the stairs.

I just threw our bags at the door and made my own nay to mine and Jacks room,feeling like a zombie.Launching myself into my bed I cuddled into my comforter and waited for Jack to join me. Just as I was drifting off the sleep I felt a dip in the bed and I turned around so I could snuggle into Jacks chest."Maybe we should have a family day out tommorow, just the three of us, to take our minds of things."He said, throwing an arm over my waist but I just nodded before falling into a deep slumber.

I woke up to little hands poking my cheeks,I yawned whilst sitting up and stretching."Amy, what's the matter sugar?" I asked confused."Daddy told me to wake you up,he said we're going out and not to worry because he got me dressed" she giggled spinning around in cirlcles.

I stifled a laugh as I took in her appearance."Yeah,let's get you changed"She was wearing bright green leggings with a purple tutu, a pink polkadot top and brown knee high boots.

I took her hand and we walked to her princess room across the hall. "Sit up then sugar" I said to her walking into her closet picking out a presentable outfit,suitable for the freezing temperatures outside:

I let her go and play with Jack after I brushed her curls back then, i get myself dressed in a simple yet cute outfit, pulling my hair into a messy high ponytail

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I let her go and play with Jack after I brushed her curls back then, i get myself dressed in a simple yet cute outfit, pulling my hair into a messy high ponytail.Looking myself once over in the mirror, I grabbed my coat and walked downstairs smiling at the sight of Jack and Amy dancing together but frowning when I realised the reality of the situation were in; I can't have no more beautiful children.

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