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Darcys Pov
When we finnaly reaches the mall. Me and jack split up we decided on a few things to get him and one of them way a German shepherd puppy,which is what Jack was going to collect.

As I was making my way to the apple store, I realised that they're rooms hadn't been done so I quickly rang up some painter and decoraters to sort them while we were gone.

When I got off the phone I continued my walk to the apple store where i bought him an Apple Watch, an IPhone X and a MacBook Pro. It may seem pricey to some people but, not to brag, we were billionaires. I got him a black adidas phone case and laptop case and I couldn't decide what else to get him when I remembered what he said that night we asked him questions.Football,he has a love for football and well his room was decorated in it.

I drove to the football stadium as the merch store was just next door. I brought him this seasons jersey and was thinking about buying him a ball when the bell chimes, signalling that someone had entered.

"Hi" said the buff man,walking towards me."Hey, can I help you?" I asked him curiously." Nope but I can help you." He replied taking three ball out of my hands once I had purchased the items." Excuse me" I said but his actions alone interrupted me as he drew a sharpie from his pocket, writing on the ball before walking out of the shop.

"That's one precious ball." The shop keeper told me nodding." Who was that?" I asked so confused as to what just happened."Walter Payton" He answered before walking to the back of the shop. I shrugged to myself and walked back to the car, driving back to the mall to pick Jack back up.

Once I arrived I made a quick stop into Walmart to grab a cake, candles and some gift wrap.I met Jack outside the pet store and he had the cutest puppy in his arms along with a pet store bag and a Nike box." What did you get?" I asked." I got the dog two bowls, a leash,a bed and I also got Blake some new cleats."He smiles." What about you?"He then said.

"An IPhone X,an Apple Watch,A MacBook Pro, Two adidas cased for both of them,a football jersey and a new football signed by somebody called Walter Payton."I informed him.

Damn, he has been spoiled I thought."Walter Payton"Jacks jaw dropped."Yeah,what's so good about that.?I asked confused." He's only one of the best Football players in the world."Jack screeched,fangirling.

Wow! I thought. Me and Jack walked back to our BMW and loaded everything into the trunk, except the dog. We drove back to our house and entered through the double doors. I checked the time;2:00pm.

Leading Jack to our room, I told him to take the dog to the basement and set up his bed and bowls filled with water and food.Meanwhile, I was wrapping up all Blake's other presents before it was time to collect the younger kids.

Once I had finally finished I checked the time again. It was 2:30pm. A huffed and sat down on the sofa in the lounge, waiting for Jack to return. After a while, his shadow emerged in the doorway and as I opened my mouth to speak, my phone rang." Hello?" I wondered who could be calling me now." Hello, is this Mrs Williams?" Questioned a voice on the other end of the phone." Yes" I confirmed, pushing her to go on." This is Principal Anderson of Western High, I am calling to inform you that your son, Blake has gotten into a fight with another student and requires picking up." Mrs Anderson explained.

I jumped up from my seat and dashed to grab my car keys." I'll be right there." I said, hanging up the phone."Babe, Blake's been in a fight I gotta go and collect him." I told Him, running to my car and nearly speeding to Blakes school.

Once I had arrived, I jumped out of my car and, speed-walked all the way to reception. After knocking and entering, I saw a bruised up Blake across form an even more beat up boy.I gave Blake a look and walked into Mrs Anderson's Office." Take a seat" She said, politely so I sat down, clasping my hands together in my lap." So what's happening with my son?" I asked concerned." He was in a fight with Cash, the boy sitting across from him at the front desk, now he hasn't told me exactly what's happened but I'm pretty sure he wasn't the one who started it." She told me."Okay, thank you." I replied sincerely.

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