the strange people.

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I was walking back from hunting I killed 2 deer and 4 rabbits. I was a werewolf I never changed into my human form its been about 5 years since I have changed into my human form so I actually forgot how to.

When I got back to my cave I ate all of the animals I killed by the time I was done eating I felt tired so I went to the corner of my cave and layed down and eventually went to sleep.

When I woke up I went out of my cave to hunt for some more food.
Then I spotted some people walking through the woods they were all covered in blood one of them had a white hoodie on with a smile carved into his face.
Another had a blue mask on with black oozz coming out of its eye sockets.
And the last one had a greenish grey hoodie on with yellow goggles on and a mouth guard on.

Since they didn't see me i decided to sneak behind them when it came to the perfect time I jumped up on the white hoodied one and I bit him on the shoulder he screamed in pain as I bit him again the person with a greenish grey hoodie on took out a hatchet and hit me with it in the leg then I howled in pain. and now these people have made me MAD.

I jumped up on the greenish grey hoodied person and bit his leg for hitting me in The leg with a hatchet.but he had no reaction to me doing this so I bit him again but still no reaction the white hoodied one yelled :TOBY YOU OK!!! Then apparently the one named toby yelled : IM OK JEFF JUST GET THIS THING OFF ME!!!

After the one named toby sead that the one apparently called Jeff pulled out a knife and stabed me in the stomach I howled in pain again.

Then the one named Jeff called out to the one with a blue masked one and sead : EJ DO SOMETHING!!!

Then the one called EJ pulled out a knife and as soon as I knew it I was surrounded buy 3 people the one named EJ stabed me in my throut and I started to throw up blood sence know I knew that I was to weak and wouldn't be able to beat them I ran of to where my cave was and went straight to bed.

When I woke up pain is the only thing I could feel so I decided that its best if I don't get up.


After EJ stabed the big wolf in the throut it started to throw up blood then after that it ran away.

ME EJ and TOBY started to walk back to the mansion when we got there slenderman was sitting on the couch and he asked us what happened and i told him that after we got back from our killing spree a big wolf jumped up on me out of know where and bit me on the shoulder and it also bit toby on the leg but he got payback by hitting it with his hatchet and I got payback by stabbing it in the stomach and EJ stabbed it in the throat.

So that's what happened slender oK JeFf ToMoRRoW YoU mE EJ aNd ToBy WiLl gO LoOk FoR iT.

But slender its probably dead from when EJ stabbed it in the throat.


I started to feel better so I got up to go hunting again I saw two deer so I killed them and took them to my cave to eat when I got done eating it was dark so I went to go lay down again when I heard some people and I knew exactly who they where they where the people that I attacked before but almost died doing so.

So I was going to attack them again except I'm not going to fail this time so I decided I could climb a tree and when it gets to the right time I will pounce on them but it was hard to climb the tree Sence I was a werewolf it was hard to climb the tree but I still did it.


So now me slender EJ and toby where now looking for the big wolf thing I still think it died

though but slender insisted that we looked for it. we have been walking for about 2 hours but still haven't found it yet I stoped asking if we could go back because it was the same answer NO!!!


So I saw them while I was in the tree but then they spotted me and there was this tall white faceless creature that was also looking at me then these black tentacles came out of its back and slashed at me I jumped of of the branch just in time as one of the creatures tentacles broke the branch I was just on. I landed on another branch but the tentacles broke it as soon as I knew it I was jumping tree to tree trying to not be on the branches that the tentacles hit I got so tired I just had to stop then.


One of the tentacles hit the branch I was on and I fell and hit my head on a hard rock then I realized my head was bleeding.then one of the creatures tentacles grabbed my leg and dragged me across the ground I hid several sharp rocks while I was being dragged and it made several deep cuts on me. When I finally got done being  dragged to the creature I wanted to bite it but I was to weak from blood loss the next thing I knew everything was black.

Hi its me the author hope you liked my very first part of the story.

See you on the next part.😻

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