Chapter 5- coming out

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     Shawn looks so cute when he sleeps but he also looks so peaceful and I didn't really want to wake him so I slowly crept out of his bed across him and down to the kitchen to make him some blueberry muffins. I can't stop thinking about the panicking attack he had I was so scared then I opened my phone and looked at my texts I ha din from my mum

Mum: hey Cameron, what's happens I hope your friend is okay, how are you? I miss you honey and can't wait for you to come home. Love mom xx

Cameron: Hey mom, my friend is fine I'll be home for some clothes and I hope we can have a chat, is it alright if Shawn comes with me? Xx

Mom: Yes of course he can come with you I wanna meet him, do you want me to get some clothes ready for you? I'll see you later alligator. Love mom xx

Cameron; yes that would be great! Thanks! In a while crocodile xx

   I lock my phone to the sound of someone coming down the stairs I could tell by the way this person was walking I think it was Shawn. He slowly walks in I was right it was him I care in making these delicious muffins and he looks at me and smiles pressing his lips against mine until we are interrupted by the sound of his mom saying "Aw you to are so cute"

"Thanks mom" Shawn says.

"Hey I forgot to ask, what are you making Cammey it smells like... wait is it blueberry muffins?!" He says sounding excited!

"Yes I am I know it's your favourite and Shawny can you promise me one thing that's all I ask of you?" I say.

"Yes Cammey anything for you" He says sounding worried.

I whisper in his ear "Please don't hurt yourself again. I love you to much to see you hurt like that again."

"Of course Cammey I promise I'll stop and I love you even more." He says sounding so cute

"I love you more" I say.

"No I love you more"

Then before I can speak I'm interrupted by his sister going "Awwwwe you guys are so cute!"

Then his mother asked "Cam have you came out to your family yet?"

"Uh- no not yet and Shawn I texted my mother this morning and I want you to come with me so I can explain that your the love of my life and I can't live without you." I say sounding confident.

"Yeah sure I will how could I ever say no to you baby" He says sounding so cute and lovely.

"I love you baby boy" I say giggling along with him and his sister.

(An hour later)

I waited for Shawn to finish off getting ready and we both jumped into my black Mercedes and drove to my mums house.

"Nervous?" He asks.

"I won't lie yes- very nervous but as long as I'm with you Shawn I don't feel as nervous" I say kissing him on the cheek.
We walk in and there my mother with some clothes and she's sitting down.

"Hi mom this is Shawn, shawn this is my mom"

"Nice to meet you Miss.Dallas" He says.

"Oh please call me Gina. Cameron did you want a chat?"

I look up at Shawn and me both smile " Yes actually mom I'm I think this will explain everything better though." I say Shawn looks right into my eyes with a confused look as I lean closer until our lips are touching. I look over to my mom and she got a massive smile going all across her face,

"I've always know Cammey," she runs up to me and pulls me closer.

"And I've got something for you to anyway. I'll be back right now." She comes running back with two sets of keys and a piece of paper. "I've bought you to an apartmet" she says " And I'm paying the rent since I've got loads of money left over. I was gonna give it to you when you met Celin Cam but I though I'd wait and I'm so glad I did."

"Mom I can't take this - I" she cuts me off

" I want to and that's how it's gonna be." She says

"Thank you Gina" Shawn say in his sexy deep voice.

"No problem now Cam go start packing with Shawn. I want that room completely cleared. I want you gone" she says laughing.

(An hour and a half later)

I set my final suitcase in my car and kiss my mom goodbye we go to the apartment and it's amazing, it's very spacious and it's fully furnished and functional for us. I guess this is the start of a new life with just me and Shawn.

We go to Shawn's house then and explain everything to his mom before loading his last suitcase we packed into the back of my car.


I love this chapter so much I can't believe that they are now living together.

855 words

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