Chapter Two

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Riichi's POV

It's been three days since we rescued Mitsuko. She's being released from the hospital today making it the first time she'll meet us.

"Riichi, come downstairs!" my mom called. I stuck my paint brush behind my ear and wiped my hands on the apron I was wearing although it didn't do much good and my hands were still covered in paint.

I ran downstairs to see what my mom wanted but was met by Michiyo and Mitsuko standing in the living room. My mom sighed at my appearance. "Are you an artist?" Mitsuko asked me. "Yeah, but my dad said you were stuck in traffic so I thought I had a bit more time to finish my painting and clean up," I said smiling. Mitsuko nodded her head and smiled back "What's your name?" she asked. "Oh! right, I'm Riichi," I introduced myself.

She smiled again which amazed me because although her arms, legs and one if her eyes were covered by bandages she seemed like the happiest little girl in the world. "May I see your painting?" she asked. I looked up at Michiyo for her consent considering how protective she is of her little sister. She slightly nodded her head in approval and we both went upstairs.

When she saw the unfinished painting her eye grew wide and I thought it was going to pop out. "It's wonderful!" she exclaimed. It was a simple forest, but I suppose she thought it was more. "Can I watch you finish it?" she asked before I could thank her for the compliment on my painting. "Sure," I replied.

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