Chapter Two:

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I don't know when, but I ended up falling asleep in Master's arms. Oddly enough with all that tan muscle he was extremely comfy. The reason I know I fell asleep is because I am now being woken up by someone, most likely Master, running their fingers through my hair. I opened my green eyes and saw my Master looking out his window while running his hands through my hair. I pretended to stir so he would get the message that I was awake. He seemed not to notice or even care.

I when I sat up he finally looked at me, "You are one of my servants?"

I nodded, "Yes, I am Layla I help Madame Hannah with running the household when you are away Master."

He nodded and I sware he whispered my name, "So I take it you were my victum. When I am sleepy I want something to cuddle. Normally Clara would have given me a body pillow or I would do what I have done here. Taken a maid hostage for the day as I slept."

I smiled gently, "It is quiet alright Master. As long as you are comfortable."

For the first time ever I heard Master laugh with my own two ears. Rumors prove to be true. His laugh was deep and came from his belly. The skin at the corner of his eyes wrinkled slightly and dimples appeard on his cheeks. It was a loud laugh, it filled up his whole room. I felt my lips tug at the sound and soon found myself smiling bigger. I wanted to laugh to but felt it rude, due to the fact I have no clue why he is laughing.

His eyes twinkled, "You're a true servant. I find you entertaining and so far a joy. So you are now my personal maid."

I felt myself freeze, being his maid is the second highest rank there is in the Household Staff. The Head Maid which is the Momma of the house is the highest. The Master's personal maid is second highest it is like the daughter of the house. I looked up at Master with shock. Not displeased shock just pure shock. He laughed again and stood up taking me with him. He placed me on the floor and in front of him.

"Layla your new uniform will be delivered to you ASAP, and you will be assigned a room closer to mine."

I nodded up at him and I was mentally squealing. He gave me a dashing smile and shooed me out of his room. I walked happily down to the cooks as Master got ready. I remember that Clara did certain things for the Master like every night when he woke up she would perpare a glass of blood in a wine glass. His favorite blood type was AB-. So I pulled out a medium sized wine glass and pulled out some AB- from the frige and poured it into a cup to warm it up then I poured that into the wine glass. I knocked on Master's study door which he allowed me to some into.

Master sat behind his large dark cherry wood desk writing away in a log book. I sat the glass down which he took a sip right away. He nodded his head in approval. I stood by his desk waiting to be dismissed when he spoke.

"Tell Mateo to make me a breakfast burrito. No yellow peppers, only red and green."

I nodded, "Right away, any thing else Master?"

He  shock his head and I let myself out. I walked straight down to the kitchen and saw Mateo. I  touched his shoulder and asked him to fix Master a breakfast burrito without yellow peppers. After that I grabbed some sauces packets I think he will most likely want with his burrito. In ten minutes Mateo was done with the burrito and I was bringing it up to Master. I knocked on the door and Master allowed me entre again. I sat the burrito down and pulled out the packets of suaces.

"Would you like one?"

Master nodded and pointed to one with a green wrapping and yellow lettering. I placed it on the side of his plate. He nodded and dismissed me. I went back to his room and began to tighty everything up. After about five minutes Clara came in. Clara was a beautiful old woman. She was around sixty-eight and if I lived as long as she did I would wish to look as amazing as her. She had short curly grey hair and a bright smile. She was a beauty in her younger days. Long dark blond hair, sparkling blue eyes, a natural tan on her skin, and was a beauty for all eyes to behold. Master once thought she could be his mate.

"Child? What on Earth are you doing in Leo's room?" She asked with a smirk on her wrinkled face.

I smiled at her, "I am Master's personal maid along side you. Anything you need I'll help with."

Clara clapped her hands and grinned, "About time that boy got me some help! I am old! My bones ache and my hands shake. Child if you have a choice, don't get old. It is a pain in the buttocks! I'm not kidding! My buttocks even hurts!"

Clara finished while pointing to her 'buttocks' like it was a loaded gun. I felt myself smile. She is too cute. Head Maid Hannah doesn't even mess with Grandma Clara. Heck, Master doesn't mess with Clara! She is a sweet little old lady on the outside, but she is still a scary woman when she wants to be.

She looked at me and smiled fondly, "Aww! You are adorable. Well time to make his bed, change his laundry out, organize his files, clean his bathroom, and fix him lunch!"

She wrapped a little shaking hand around my wrist and dragged me to the bed. We stripped it and put on all new sheets and pillow cases. Then we maid the bed. Two large body pillows on the bottom, sheet, big comfy black and white comfortor on, then four regular pillows, and three accent pillows. Then we went to do his laundry, and he had a lot. We washed all whites and undergarments first. Clara just hummed and threw them in, while I couldn't touch them without blushing. Then we put in the colors: pastels, then rich (dark blues and purples and greens). Then we washed all the darks: blacks and greys. Then we went to his office to see him writing and planning things for the King of Vampires. Clara went straight to his side desk and grabbed the files. She looked over at him and scowled, so she hit him over the head with two thick files. He jumped and glared at her.

"Where is my hello?" She demanded and I stood there in shock and amusement, she just smacked our Master for not greeting her.

He rolled his eyes, "Hello, Clara! Good morning Layla."

I smiled at him, "Morning Sir."

While Clara snapped, "Always greet people, even if they are severants Leonardo!"

He nodded not really paying attention and went back to his work. While we started on ours. We filed things in A-B-C order. Then we dismissed ourselves to go clean his bathroom. We walked back to his room with smiles and giggles. I opened the chamber door and went inside behind Clara.She went straight to his bathroom and opened the heavy looking black doors. Inside the restroom was beautiful. The floors were white granite. He had a large shower that could easily fit three people. The shower itself caught my attention. It had a built in fasit so the water rained down, like it would in a heavy rain. Then my eyes saw the black bathtub. It was large as well big enough to be a small wading area. Then the sinks made of black marble. The walls were white with grey and black swirls like I was transported into a different world with weird senery. We got to cleaning after I stopped oggling everything. It was a tough task and long too.

I sighed happily as I finished putting away the grey towels. We are done with this cursed bathroom. I yawned and followed a tired looking Clara into the kitchen area. She went straight to Simone and had him fix Master a French soup.

"Leonardo va avoir la soupe aujourd'hui," She said in perfect French. (Leonardo will be having the soup today.)

"Venant à l'endroit, madame Clara," He responded with a smile. (Coming right up, madame Clara.)

So now we had a few moments to catch a breath. We sat down at the serevants table and Clara handed me an apple. I gladly took it and ate it without a second thought. Being the Master's maid is tougher than anyone ever have thought. I had just finished my apple when I heard a scream of pain. It wasn't just anyones, it was CeCe's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2012 ⏰

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