Chapter 3

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So that day I didn't go to school.we didn't take long because our house is tiny.It was two bedrooms,one bath,and a connected kitchen/living room.When I walked into the new house it was AWSOME!!!It has two bedrooms,two bathrooms,a kitchen,a living room,a office,and a den.(gaming room).I gasped."I change my mind on the moving thing"I said,looking around.After a while we had all our things set back up.So I watched my little people for a while.(mlp)Then I made my mlp ocs hair look nice.

My mom walked in and said I should go outside and meet the fillies in my neigh-borhood. (I just had to do that) went outside and the fillies.One was named Firefly.Another one was named wondella dart,but she likes Wonder Dart.Also there was one named gameretta glitch,she hates her real we call her Gamer Glitch.

We played jump rope and then we raced.I came out in first place for it.Then I had to go in to eat dinner,daffodil sandwiches.I LOVE daffodils sandwiches!

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