Twenty Two

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I was asleep when he got back, accidentally waking me up when he shut the door. My eyes flung open and took him in, he was puffing and face drawn from exhaustion. I sat up clutching his jacket around my body, loving the feeling of cool leather against my bare skin. He smirked at me eyeing me up and down.

"Well baby, aren't you a very tall glass of fucking crystal clear water." I felt the heat from my blush growing across my cheeks. But as I took in the rest of the picture of him I became horrified. He looked disheveled, Lucille drenched in blood, swinging in his grip as the remnants of someone dropped onto the carpet. My jaw fell, not quite comprehending the situation, a flash of Abraham's last moments coming to me.
"W,what happened Negan?" I asked nervously, unable to look at him. His response came to me in a frenzied manner
"Well my soft Rackel! I don't want you to worry your pretty little head about that!" He laughed harshly as I heard his footsteps approach me. I flicked my head up, meeting his gaze. Something about his face was off, but as he kissed me my mind stopped.
He dropped Lucille to the floor and hovered over the top of me, caging me on the lounge. I felt my chest heave at the anticipation of his next move, but he stood up and I didn't know how I felt about that. I squared my shoulders and spoke up.
"I am worrying, what happened?" He was facing away and looked over his shoulder at me
"Are you sure you want to know princess?" I paused for a moment, remaining stoic. I finally decided I couldn't be a bystander anymore, pretending that all this wasn't happening around me.
"Yes, I need to know" he sighed and turned his body towards me as he sighed, obviously hoping that I decided differently.
"It was one of my men. I found he's been fucking raping the new women that come in. He was fucking threatening to kill them if they fucking said anything." His voice became more manic as he told me, hurt laced through as I gasped. I could see his hands trembling as the raw rage radiated off him even from across the room. I quickly ran to him and gently stroked his face, upset for the poor women as Negan was beating himself up for not catching him out sooner.
"Right under my fucking nose Rackel!" He was losing focus and I held him tight. Even though I didn't agree with his methods I couldn't be mad at him for doing what he did. I recalled some of the horrible things Rick had done for the sake of order; the more I thought about it, the more similarities I pulled between the two leaders and I began to empathise.
I held his chin, focusing his eyes on mine "you did what you had to"
he paused and rested his head on my forehead.
"What did you say?" Wanting me to repeat myself.
"I know you didn't want to tell me; you're trying to roll me up in cotton wool. But you have to realise there's a reason I'm still alive in this world. I understand that some horrible things have to be done to maintain order, to hold onto what little humanity we have left. Thank you for saving us." He gripped my chin and kissed me roughly as he pulled me up, I wrapped my legs around him, our tongues entwined and our hands greedily discovering everywhere.
"How about a shower baby?" He groaned and tugged at my bottom lip with his teeth. I nodded, Not able to get my fill of this man as he held me to his body making me feel safe and protected.

He walked us to the shower and he briefly let me down, giving me the opportunity to shrug off his jacket as I stood there proudly. He took off his shirt in response and I took in his pure majesty, firm chest with a spattering of salt and pepper hair. I couldn't help but run my hands through it as he ravashed my neck. With shaky hands I unbuckled his belt, pulled it through the loops and dropped it on the ground. I attempted to unbutton his jeans but was too shaky, a mixture of nervousness and yearning coursed through me. All that built up expectation, the warm ache I felt in my heart as well as my core.

He noticed that I was having trouble so he held his hands over mine and brought them to his lips, gently caressing each knuckle as I watched my shaking ease.
"Il mio Amore Rackel" I gasped at his confession as the overwhelming tears threatened me.
"I love you to" I replied, realising how true those words were as they left my mouth. I quickly unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off; I'd never been more ready for anything in my life. I was happy to see that he was commando, as his length stood hard and proud I bit my lip, earning me a smug grin from him. I ran my hands up his thighs and softly stroked him, hardening further at my touch.

He ran his nails painfully slow from my back down to my panty line making me gasp for air, trying to contain the feelings he evoked in me. He swept my hair to the side and came so close to my ear his words reverberated through me
"This is your first time baby. I want this to be all about you"
He slowly kneeled down my body, leaving a trail of kisses in his wake. He slowly lowered my panties and looked at me longingly.
"Oh baby! I've been waiting for this" I stepped out of them. He started licking circles from my knee and chuckled as I mewled, impatient for him to reach my sex.
He grabbed my thighs and chuckled
"Patience Rackel, you're not going to know which way is up when I'm done with you"
When he reached my sex he firmly grabbed my buttocks pulling me closer to him and his maddening touch.
He swiped my folds and teasingly flicked his tongue over my clitoris causing my knees to buckle. Luckily he'd snaked his arm around me in anticipation of this. He let out a throaty chuckle, further exciting me.
"Holy shit Negan!" I panted as he flicked his tongue again as I roughly grabbed his hair, feeling myself slowly build up. He kept flicking and sucking as I felt my legs begin to tremble, almost there. I tried to push him away, afraid that I'd fall on the unforgiving tiles.
"NNNegannn! I'm I'm I'm about to..." He held me tighter and continued.
"I know baby, I've got you" he continued as I passed the precipice, shaking uncontrollably, dots appearing in my vision.
"God Negan!" As my orgasm subsided he eased me on the mat with him. I straddled him as I wrapped my arms around his neck, still experiencing after tremors
"Are you ready Rackel?" He searched my eyes and I placed my hands flat on his chest.
"Yes" my response full of resolve.
"I'm going to take it nice and slow. I've got to break you in, make you all mine" His possessive words driving me crazy. He squared up to my entrance as I eased onto his tip, scrunching my face at the fullness I already felt. He kissed and caressed me, making sure I was riled up enough. He knew the sheer size he was would be painful initially whatever way he did it, but he did all he could to make sure I was enjoying myself.

I quickly pushed another inch inside me and I felt a warm sting and clawed at his neck.
"Ughhhhh Negan" he placed soft wet kisses on my collar bone as he remained unmoved, waiting on my cue.
"Are you ok princess?" He checked and I nodded as I eased him in further, as he hit the right spot and I laughed at the unexpected pleasure.
"Is that your spot baby?" As he slowly pulled out to thrust into it again, making me go almost cross eyed.
"Uh huh" was all I could manage
"Holy fucking shit Rackel, you feel soo good" he groaned as I slowly eased him back in, eagerly learning my body as I clenched around him. I could tell his self control was slipping as he took over the pace, jerking his hips up to deepen the thrusts. I relished the alternate feeling of fullness and emptiness over and over. As my movements became quicker and the pain faded I felt that wave come back, lapping over my whole body.
"I'm I'm I I" I couldn't believe how impossible it was to form a coherent sentence. Negan threw his head back and laughed, proud of his handy work as his movements started to get aggressive
"I'm with you princess" he growled through gritted teeth, as he lost all rhythmn and pounded, I felt him release
"Fuck, fuck fuckity fuck fuck" He laughed and thrusted until I got there once again. We held onto each other tightly and stayed there in a completely sweaty content mess.

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