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[Yoongi's phone]


Min_Suga: Jungkookie?

Yoongiii, what's up

Min_Suga: Nothing much, seeing Jimin next week

Right, how are things between you two?

Min_Suga: Great he's such a fluffball I swear I can't wait to meet him in real life

Glad to see that someone could melt your icy heart

Min_Suga: You already melted it Jungkookie

Cute, but I'm still not gay for you

Min_Suga: My heart </3

Min_Suga: Just kidding. So who are you gay for?

No one

Min_Suga: Not even Tae?

I don't even know what he looks like

Min_Suga: So why did you tell him you were dating Lisa

Who said that

Min_Suga: Not telling

Jimin? Via Tae?

Min_Suga: Damn you're good

Yeah I told him I was dating her

Min_Suga: Why?

Cause he's gay and I don't want him to get any ideas

Min_Suga: Jungkook that's just mean and rude

I know but I don't want to have to reject him

Min_Suga: Who said you will have to reject him, maybe you'll like him

I don't know

Min_Suga: You should at least give him a chance

He's creepy

Min_Suga: No he's not he just said you're hot af because you are, okay, I bet you'll be drooling when you see him

Have you seen him?

Min_Suga: Maybe Jimin sent me a pic...

Show me

Min_Suga: No

Please hyung

Min_Suga: No Jungkookie, talk to him

He won't send me a pic anyway

Min_Suga: If you tell him that you and Lisa aren't dating I'm sure he will

Mmm okay fine

Bye Yongiii

Min_Suga: Bye Jungkookie

Seen at 09h38am


Two days later

Jungkook's P.O.V

I thought a lot about what Yoongi had said to me, he was right maybe Tae and I could be friends. I grabbed my phone to send him a message but saw he did it before me.


Little_Tae: Jungkook?

JungKooK: Hi hyung

Little_Tae: Why did you lie?

Oh shit

JungKooK: What do you mean?

Little_Tae: Seriously

Little_Tae: I know you and Lisa aren't dating and that you're gay

I am going to kill Yoongi

JungKooK: Let me explain

Little_Tae: I'm waiting

JungKooK: I thought you liked me and I didn't want you to think I liked you too because then I would have to reject you and I didn't want that to happen

I didn't realize the mistake I had made until after I sent that text. Shit.

Little_Tae: Wow, so you just assumed I was into you and that I'm fuck ugly and that you would have to reject me. I don't like you, I'm just friendly okay and you don't even know me and already assume so much. I misjudged you that's for sure, I thought you were a nice guy

JungKooK: I am a nice guy! I'm sorry Tae that came out wrong. And I do want to get to know you, I judged you for no reason and I was wrong okay I'm sorry, I truly am

Little_Tae: I'm gonna go

Little_Tae: Goodbye Jungkook

JungKooK: Tae please I'm sorry

JungKooK: Tae? Answer me please

Sent at 12h49am

I sighed, I'm such a fucking idiot. Now I was pissed so I called Yoongi, he owed me a few explanation.

"Hi Jungk-"

"Why did you tell Tae I was gay?!"

"I didn't, I-I told Jimin..."

"You're a fucking idiot, now Tae is mad at me and he's not talking to me"

"I thought Jimin could keep a secret... I'm sorry Jungkook"

I sigh deeply

"It's okay, he was going to find out someday, I just wish I'd told him way before"

"I'm sure he'll calm down some time"

"Yeah let's hope, well I gtg, bye hyung"

"Bye Jungkookie"


Hope you enjoy this story :) 

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