Roman x reader

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Your first meeting

You were not really one to go to parties all the time, but it's your best friend's birthday and all your closest friends you haven't seen in a while were there. After calling your best friend to tell her you're coming, you reach over and find a suitable and elegant outfit. After fixing yourself up to look like royalty, you smiled, satisfied with your appearance and went downstairs to head over to your best friend's party.

Upon arrival you find yourself smothered with hugs and kisses from all your closest friends, as it had been years since you last saw them. You sat your present down on the table, caught up with your best friend for a while, and moved over to the side of the corner, not wanting to get too interactive with other people. Once in a while, people would come over to you and have small talk, but they'd soon leave for another more interesting person. It's not like you didn't like to socialize. You knew how to and you loved the people at this party. It's just that you find the party a bit too...loud for your taste.

You wondered if you'd ever find anyone actually interesting to talk to, until a group of people who looked almost identical to each other, entered the party. You raised a questioning eyebrow, curious as to who these people were. They were never anyone you've ever seen in your life. One particular person in the group caught your eye: the man wearing that regal, red sash.

You felt your heart pounding in your chest and your face heating up with embarrassment. You stared for a while at the mysterious, handsome man before looking away in embarrassment. 'He's too good for me,' you thought. Some days you were proud of what you looked like, but most of the time you spent your days hiding behind loose clothes and sweatpants. You saddened at the thought of a scenario where that man would reject you if you asked him out, so you just sipped your drink and continued to scroll through your phone.

A few minutes later, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see who it was, but your words got caught in your throat once you saw who it was. "Greetings, my royalty! I am Prince Roman, at your service!" The man declared loudly, kneeling down to kiss your shaking hand. Your eyes widened at the gesture and looked around the room to see if anyone was watching. You were flustered at this point. "Y-you don't have to do that...but my name is (y/n)." You said in embarrassment. He smiled and sat down next to you. "That is a splendid name!" You couldn't help but smile at how energetic the man was. You two talked for hours and for the first time, you felt like you could be engaged throughout the entirety of it. What he said genuinely interested you for once, as he talked about his adventures fighting evil monsters and enemies. When he asked about you, you spoke with a passion that he admired dearly. He couldn't help but want to get to know you more, even after this party.

As everyone was cleaning up, you two were packing up to head home. As the gentleman he was, he followed you to the car to make sure you were safe before you left. He smiled and handed you a piece of paper with his phone number. "We're gonna have a party at our house to celebrate Thomas' birthday. We should continue our lovely conversation there!" He said happily. You smiled and nodded, happy to have made a wonderful friend tonight. As you drove off, you couldn't help but smile at the figure waving at you goodbye.

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