A Little Adventure

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The forest was eerily quiet around the small group I was in. There was six of us, with two others like me. We were 'guards' of a sort, hired by people who wanted to explore the most dangerous places in the world with some protection. The three of us were armed with an assortment of knives and guns while the other three had only cameras and food.

Currently we were in the heart of the Amazon forest, surrounded by trees and predators. I glanced at the 5 following behind me to be sure no one was falling behind as we made our way out of the jungle. The trees were tall and dark, blocking out most of the sun's rays.

A howler monkey screeched out it's disapproval of us being there, effectively alerting all of the animals within several miles of our presence. I caught a glimpse of the loud animal among the foliage of the trees as he moved closer to the trunk of the tree he was in.

The sun was starting to set, but the only difference to us on the forest floor was the slight change in lighting, as it was steadily getting darker. A jaguar moved around in the lower branches of a nearby tree, watching as we passed by. But he was no threat to us right now, he was only interested in studying us, not in attacking. I stayed up for the first few hours of the night keeping watch while the others slept, unfortunately, nothing happened. I sighed, tugging my blonde hair out of its ponytail. This wasn't the life I wanted.

The days getting out were uneventful, to which I was slightly disappointed. Personally, I didn't think this was dangerous or exciting at all, I wanted something more. Something that would actually get my blood pumping and my adrenaline to spike. I wanted a real reason to need my weapons.

It was two weeks later that I finally got my wish. I was at the shooting range trying out new weapons with Cooper and Nash, the two men that had been with me on the Amazon trip, when a man approached us.

"Are you Cooper, Nash and Alexa?" the slightly balding man asked. After three nods of affirmative, he stuck out his hand to each of us, "Udesky, how are you interested in a once in a lifetime job?"

"What kind of job?" I asked, paying the ammunition clerk for the gun and bullets.

"My client, Paul Kirby from Kirby Enterprises needs to go to Isla Sorna to find his son, and he'd like your help." he responded.

My eyebrows shot up, Isla Sorna? The home to Ingen's dinosaurs? Now this was the kind of excitement I had been looking for. I glanced back at Nash and Cooper, both who had identical grins on their faces. "We'll do it." I agreed, shaking Udesky's hand again.

"Well that's right, I got three of the very best men I could possibly find. No sir I haven't worked with them personally but believe me sir these men come highly recommended." Cooper pulled the trigger and the plane shot up into a ball of fire.

"Nothing to worry about sir, it's going to be a walk in the park." Udesky finished talking to whoever was on the phone, my guess was the man who had organized all of this. I grinned, turning back to the now destroyed plane and I had to admit to agreeing with him. It'd been two weeks since Udesky had come to us with the offer, and it was only two days from now that the plane would be taking off.

All of the gear that we would be needing was already packed onto the plane, and from what Udesky told me, we were only waiting for the Kirby's to get the guide for the trip. Though I had no idea what they were talking about, since I didn't think anyone in their right mind would give tour guides of Isla Sorna.

Two days later and I was loading up onto the plane, picking the seat in the back across from Cooper. Amanda and Paul Kirby-whom I had met before-were seated up front with Udesky and Nash sitting in the pilots seats. It was then that the 'guides' came one. An older man whom I recognized to be Alan Grant, the paleontologist who had been on the original Jurassic Park and a younger man who I had to admit was attractive with curly light brunette hair.

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