No Hell Below Us

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Was this my own personal Heaven or Hell, I thought as I spun in circles. It couldn't be. Heaven wasn't like this. Hell wasn't like this. I can't be here. I just wanted to go home. Home, where there were beggings and endings. Life and death. It was like time didn't move here. I didn't move here. 

I just wanted to go home. I just wanted to sit in a corner and cry. The only thing was, there was no corners,  no walls, no ceilings. I don't even think there was a floor. It was all just white. I looked down at myself. Even I was clothed in all white.  This couldn't be happening.  

I started stumbling in one direction. A path so open and bold, I couldn't take it. I wasn't used to this. My life, it was controlled. Every moment planned out almost. 


"Callie!" Screamed my mom. This wasn't good. I looked at the clock. Oh good, it was four P.M. I guess that means the mail came. If the mail came, my report card came. "Callie! Come here now!" She screamed. This was bad, I thought as I walked downstairs. She sat there, at out kitchen table, her back facing towards me. I tip-toed down the rest of the stairs. It was like she could feel me there. "What is this?" 

"Um, well, its's the mail."

"I know what mail is. What's the grades on this piece of paper that holds your name" She said as she threw the paper at me. 

I picked it up and examined it. Four B's and two A's. "Well, uh, it says I got four B's and two A's."

"I know."

"Then why are you asking?" I questioned. I must have come off very dumb-founded. She got out of her seat and looked at me. Her glare was terrible, it made me squirm. "Why mom?" I asked again.

"I just thought you would have done better." She said, looking me in the eyes. Her stare cold and dark and full of disappointment. I stood there, not knowing what to say. I tried my hardest but my hardest wasn't enough clearly. She walked past me and out to the back yard. I was stuck in this place called a house.

"Every house not a home..."

The lyrics popped into my head. Boy, they were right. I turned on my heel and walked back into my room. As I closed the door, I thought that maybe one day I would be enough for my mother.


I sat there, laying of the white surrounding me. I didn't know how to describe this place. It was just sorta there. I was just sorta there in it too. Stuck in something. Was I lost? I sat up, not knowing what else today. 

I remember when I was younger, there was this movie me and Tim used to watch. Meet the Robinson's. The little boy was always to keep moving forward. Well, that was what I was gonna do. I stood up and walked. And I kept walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2012 ⏰

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