Chapter 6 -Mother

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I sat on the stool of the counter eating a large bowl of miso ramen with a plate of sushi with soy sauce and wasabi. Zoe was having a plate of squid ink spaghetti with chilled buckwheat noodles in a small bowl. We both had a cup of green tea. I was scarfing down the sushi and noodles as Zoe slowly ate her buckwheat noodles, as if in deep thought. I slowed my eating and watched Zoe put down her chopsticks and looked me in the eyes.
"What? Something wrong?" I asked her. I saw her take out her 20$ bill out and slap it in the counter saying
"I'd like to take this home please. Can we get some take out boxes?" One of the workers nodded and handed us 3 boxes and 3 containers for my ramen and both of our tea.
"Why are leaving now?" I was confused about why we were leaving so soon. It had been a long walk from school and it was going to be an even longer walk to my house. As if she read my mind she said, "Yep, we're leaving so when we get to your house it'll already be dark and we won't have to walk at night." She grabbed her boxes and containers and opened the door.
"Well, come on."
It had begun to grow dark and as the sun set behind the trees we were barely a quarter of the way to my house. Zoe had said nothing the whole time and I was growing more worried. Zoe was never quiet, she was always saying something in a loud volume, but now she was as silent as I've ever seen her to be. The silence was killing me and my curiosity was gnawing at my brain and I had to know.
"What did you mean?" I questioned. Zoe jolted from her trance and looked at me questionably.
"What? Can you repeat the question please?"
"What did you mean when you said I did something you've been waiting for?" Zoe looked at the wood and asked me a question, but never answered mine.
"How did it feel? What emotions were you feeling? The question threw me off but I answered.
Well, I felt....happy, I guess. I could feel the pain radiating off of Mrs.Spencer....listen Zoe..I feel as if you're hiding something," I scratched the back of my neck with my free hand and looked at the ground."If you know something about me that I don't...please tell me. I feel as if I should know. I know you have your own secrets but if it includes me in any way...I have to know."
I didn't notice Zoe had stopped walking and was looking at the ground. I looked to see she wasn't next to me and turned to see that she was a few feet away from me.
"You're my best friend." she said in a low tone. I almost didn't hear her.
"You're my best friend, and I feel terrible I have to keep this secret from you but I'm not allowed to say anything until they're absolutely sure. Please if you trust me, please, just wait a little longer, ok?" I was more confused than I had ever been in my whole life.
"What are you talking about? Who are 'they'? Zoe-" She rushed forward dropping her food and gripped my shoulders hard. I could feel her nail sinking in. I winced but when I saw her face of panic my face changed to worry.
"Mai. If you trust me, you'll wait. Do you trust me?" she asked, her voice wavering. Her grip loosened and her face softened.
"Do you trust me?"
I could hear the desperation in her voice. I had known this girl since we were 10, I had told her all of my secrets and my troubles and she always cheered me up when I was down. She stopped me from my old habit of cutting when she burst in my room, saw what I was doing and slapped the razor from my grip. She told me if I died a lot of people would be heartbroken. That had been the first time I saw her cry. She cried as she wrapped my wounds and held me saying if she caught me doing it again she would kill me, but I knew she was only saying that because she was worried about me. She was the one and only person I trusted more than anything, all she was asking for was her trust in return. I looked her in the eyes and said,
"You're my best friend. I trust you with my life." She released my shoulders and looked at the ground. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and gave her my Cheshire smile.
"Let's go to my house. You got the movies?" She looked at me and smiled.
"Yep, they're in my bag. Lets go, I even snuck some candy outta my house." She wrapped her arm around me and we walked our merry way to my house, our fallen food forgotten.
<><><><>1 hour and 30 minutes later<><><><>
Our walk took over an hour, but we had stopped during the walk to buy popcorn, ice cream and more candy. I found no trace of my mother being home. She left behind the many sake bottles but that was easy to clean up. We got onto our 'movies attire' which consisted of baggy pajama pants and shirts that were XXL and looked as if they were dresses on us. It was only 6:00 so we decide to watch the news but the volume was turned low as I tuned my guitar and we sung songs from Secondhand Serenade. We did this for a while until Zoe stopped me and turned the tv up to hear the anchor.
"....And in other news, mother of two, Madison Lyre, was stated to have hanged herself in front of her youngest son, Jason. Jason was taken to the hospital saying his imaginary friend, the Puppeteer, killed her. Officials say the boy was traumatized from seeing his mother commit suicide...." I tuned the rest of the news when I saw Zoe's face. She had what I would call a face of pride and love. I didn't know what the face meant but I wasn't given time to think about it before the front door burst open and my drunk mother stumbled in. We jumped at the loud slam and we turned to see my mother walking in with a bottle of vodka that was half empty. This was the first time in years I've seen her not asleep of hung over.
"M-mom?! What are you do-"
I was cut off as my mother grabbed the collar of my shirt and slammed me against the nearest wall. I felt my hit the wall and a bruise start to form. My eyesight became blurry and I could hear Zoe screaming at my mom to let me go. She slammed me against the wall before yelling at me,
"It's all your fault! We could've been happy together, just the two of us but you ruined it!"
She slammed me repeatedly and the bruise on my head had split open and blood seeped into my white hair. Zoe was calling out a name but I couldn't make out what she was saying.
"He treated me like a queen, he got me everything I ever wanted, but when I told him about you he went and left."
Her words sounded as if she had rehearsed it, like she didn't even drink that night, but the smell of alcohol still lingered in my nose.
"Before he left he said that if I tried to get rid of you he would kill me, and to make sure I didn't try anything he gave you that godforsaken necklace! I'd always hated you! I wanted to get rid of you from the very beginning! You're a monster! A freak!"
She continued with the insults and each one felt like a stab in the heart.
My mother.
The one I bathed and feed was treating me as if I had caused her pain and suffering forever. My eyebrows slowly frowed together and I realized something I'd been denying for years.
I hated my mother.
She never loved me, I did my best to feel as if she loved me from the bottom of her heart.
But I was wrong.
She only kept me alive so she wouldn't be killed. I felt a small sensation my back. My eyes turned slit, my teeth grew just like earlier when I thought of the chance to feel the Winters sisters blood on my hands. I could hear a loud static and I knew my mother heard it when she turned around before shrugging and turned back to me. I thought I might've had the chance to cool down and retaliate but she said something that set me off.
"Your father left you, he would never love a freak like you. Never!"
That was it.
That upset me beyond comparison.
I felt many thing protrude from my back. She backed away from me with a look of terror. My teeth grew larger and I growled. I felt the things that was protruding from my back waver and I could see one of them in front of me.
It was a long black tentacle. 10 of 11 of them hovered around me and the static grew to an ear busting level. She covered her ears and begged for me to stop but it was to late. One of the large tentacles reached over and wrapped around her throat. She gripped the large appendage choking and coughing from lack of air.
"P-p-plea-se l-let me g-go." She begged.
"Y-y-you're m-my daughter, y-you're not going to kill your mother a-are you?"
With out opening my mouth I said to her in her mind,
"I have no mother."
She gave me one last look of horror before the other tentacles went through her body in many places. A few through her legs, a couple in her stomach. blood flowed from the wounds, bones broke throughout her body, the pain that she was feeling made me smile. The static got louder and as one went through her chest towards her heart I looked in her eyes. Her emerald green eyes fading to a darker green, I said the last thing she would ever hear.
"Goodbye, Selena Yukimura."
I yanked her heart and dropped her onto the blood soaked carpet. Her blood spread throughout the living room. The static never left as I fell to my face next to the corpse. I could hear excited shouting and the last thing I hear before passing out is a calm deep voice that made me smile say,
"You have done it my child, you are ready to come home."

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