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I had a therapist tell me once:

"Your nightmares can be over."

I didn't believe her.

How can someone that don't even know me,

Someone that don't understand what i'm dealing with,

Cure my nightmares.

I was 13 when she told me that.

I remember being afraid through every night because i was sure that something was in my room.

Something staring at me until i finally fell asleep and even after that.

My parents didn't believe me ofcourse why should they?

"You shouldn't watch so many horrormovies."

A part of that is true but it doesn't feel like that i'm not afraid of the boogeyman.

"Maybe it helps if you take the pictures of your wall before you go to sleep."

I am not afraid of the pictures of me and my cousin, me and my best friend. Not even the pictures of my dead mother, i swear.

Nightmares weren't my only fear.

Darkness was just one of them.

The darkness i've been fearing since the day i was born and it's not just because my brother and sister traumatized me with 'the scary man in the closet' or 'the ghost under your bed'.

My therapist said: "Your fear of the dark can be over."

I didn't believe her.

How can someone that doesn't even know me,

Someone that doesn't even care,

Cure my fear of the dark?

Sometimes i swear it's my bedroom.

Cuz when i sleep on other places the fear itself isn't that big as when i sleep in my own room.

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