Sports (146-152)

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146. A, devastated that they can compete in a championship because of an injury. B, is the person helping A recover due to the commands of the coach. B is determined to make him recovered in time for the competition.
147. Overweight A wants to lose weight and have fun. To do that they decide to join the school swim team. Everyone is so fit. B, the leader of the team is determined to make A feel welcomed and to help them lose weight.
148. Aspiring athlete A had everything. They were a great student, good at their sport, and even had sports scholarships for multiple universities. One day while driving home from school a car hydroplaned, crashing into A. Many surgeries were done. Leaving them with cast on each leg and severe nerve damage. Their parents refuse to let their child give up. The family works together to get A into the Paralympics.
149. A is a figure skater. B, A's younger sibling, wants to learn how to ice skate. A is forced to teach B how to each weekend as a punishment for causing trouble in school.
150. "A you're falling behind. If you don't finish the semester with a B you're out. I don't make the rules the school does." A is forced by their coach to get a tutor. B, is a grade above A and one of the top students. A didn't like B because they are so uptight, proper, and put work over play. B wishes A would stop evading the work and pay attention to what they're teaching.
151. The sun burns my face, my stomach is in knots, I haven't started but I'm already sweating. It is too late to drop out. I have to get this win for the track team.
152. New Coach A is cute but B is annoyed at them. They make them all do rigorous workouts and practice hard. The last coach didn't make them work as hard. B wants a break.

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