I. Hate. Sand. Freaking sand people, sandcastles, sandstorms, and sand in general. Of course Obi-freaking-wan sent me to watch the younglings, guess where they're playing. That's right, a freaking SANDBOX. It's like he has no respect for me, he says that it will help me learn patience but we all know he just wants time to groom his beard.~
I'm gonna be completely honest, there was one reason I agreed to go to Jedi training. The ban of relationships, it was honestly the perfect escape from my mother. All she wanted was me to marry and give her some grandchildren with this random person she met at the store. It really was a great deal, free housing and meals just to do some mind tricks. I was very wrong. Holycrapthisisactuallyveryhard.~
I'm so freaking done with Padmé. Just because it goos, doesn't means it's gush. Bruh I'm done working with queens and crap like that, I'd rather work with younglings at this point. At least they don't take 5 hours just on their hair. When I walk outside I hear nothing which is strange. Every-time I'm outside while they are screaming and fighting each other. But something is different about today, I can feel it in the force. ~
Why are the children always fighting with each other? I quickly breakup a couple of kids fighting and I can immediately see how tired they look. "What time do you wake up?" I asked. "7:30" a small voice replied, she was one of the children who trying to stop the fight. It's 5:30 and they just got a break from training, oh my god they're tired and hungry. "Okay I want everyone to go to their rooms, grab a pillow and a blanket and set them up while I get y'all some food." When they all nod and run off I quickly make my way to the cafeteria, fill a cart with water and a bunch of snacks then make my way back to the park where all the little children are laying down From Under The Cork Tree. I quickly pass out the snacks and water to hold them off until dinner. "Can you tell us a story about the force?" Ugh they're so small. "Yeah, of course. Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?"~
They're all silent. At first I panicked thinking they were murdered but then I see someone in Jedi robes with younglings laying across their lap and sides sleeping with them. How come I've never seen them before. Obi-Wan came running up short after, "Anakin! What's wrong, I felt a disturbance with you." He yells like the loud baffoon he is. The person quickly jumps up but once they see the children are fine and no one is hurt, calm down a little. "Ah Y/N, I didn't know you were watching them today." Huh so that's their name, cute. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we agreed today was my day and tomorrow was Anakins." Wait, they knew my name and I didn't. Now I feel bad. "Ah yes, that's my fault. I apologize Y/N." Wtf stop taking to them so I can introduce myself, old man. "It's alright master Kenobi, no need to apologize." Mmm sTOP thinking about the way they said master. ANAKIN NO! "Y/N, I would like you to officially meet my apprentice, Anakin." Finally, wOW what kind of lotion do they use?? "Hello Anakin, it's nice to finally meet you in person." Hmm so they've been wanting to meet you. hah, you've got this Anakin, woo them. "Nice to meet you too Y/N, I'm glad you didn't have them play in the sand." Crap, maybe you didn't really say that. "What?" Way to go Anakin.~
I think I changed my mind about the whole 'relationships' thing. Anakin is really freakin hot.
S e n d r e q u e s t s p l e a s e