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   Robin's P.O.V
  I couldn't do anything.

I was trapped in my own mind, forced to bend to the will of my enemy. It was like watching my life from someone else's eyes. I could still think, I could still see; but unless

I was told to, I couldn't move. And right now? I was moving the barrel of a sniper rifle to point at my adoptive father's head. My body moved slowly, carefully. Deathstroke stood above me, watching. Waiting.

Through the scope of the rifle, I could see the back of Bruce's head sticking over his chair. I watched as a woman walked into his office.

"Selina Kyle." I thought. A glimmer of hope shine in me. "Please look up. Please." I begged her silently to simply notice me, to save Bruce. But nothing happened. Unwillingly, my finger tightened on the trigger, ready to fire.


I wanted to cry out as I pulled the trigger. "No! Bruce, I'm so sorry..." I watched as everything seemed to slow down, forcing me to take in every minute of what I was sure would be my mentor's death. Suddenly, Selina looked up, terror crossing her beautiful features. She dove at Bruce, forcing him to the ground. I smiled under the mask. Even their mind control couldn't stop me from being this happy. Deathstroke grunted angrily as he realized I had missed.

"Lets go." My body jerked upward, obeying his command. I followed him to where Sportsmaster was waiting in the helicopter that lay just outside the city.

"Done already?" The smug tone of his voice let me know he had figured out what just happened. I glanced around the woods that hid our getaway vehicle from prying eyes. Something didn't feel right. I shook it off as I climbed into the helicopter.

"Go." It took off smoothly, the sound of blades whirring drowning out the report Deathstroke was giving over his comms. Our calm lift off was ended abruptly when I heard a clank. My master had me lean out of the vehicle, trying to figure out what it was. I stared at the green arrow that was attached to the base of the blades. My basic programming kicked in once I recognized the arrow. My "master" was in danger, it was my body's duty to save him. I lunged at Deathstroke, pushing him out of the helicopter as the arrow exploded. We landed on the ground, rolling. I attempted to shake my head clear as I searched for the source of the arrow. Artemis.

I watched, horrified as my team began to emerge from the woods surrounding us. "No, no, no!" I felt like screaming at them to leave. Someone was going to get hurt. And unfortunately, I would be the one hurting them.

"Sportsmaster!" I heard Superboy yell.

"Well, well, well. The kiddie heroes have come to play." Sportsmaster pulled himself from the wreckage of the helicopter, unscathed. He observed the team, his gaze stopping at Artemis. "Hey there, baby girl." She snarled at him, causing her father to chuckle. "Now, what's all that about?"

"You killed Robin." Her voice was tense. I counted each team member silently.

Aqualad. Miss M. Artemis. Superboy. Rocket. Fear gripped me as I realized who was missing. Wally. I felt a rush of air going by me, a blur of yellow. Suddenly, Sportsmaster was on the ground, with Kid Flash on top of him, landing punches. I glanced at Deathstroke, waiting for his command.

"Go." I sprang into action, cursing myself inwardly. I hit KF and sent us both tumbling. That's when the team began moving. Deathstroke threw a small charge at Superboy and Rocket, sending them flying. He began to attack Aqualad, both landing blows on the other. Artemis and sprinted towards her father, with Miss Martian close behind. I turned my attention towards Wally, who was picking himself up off the ground.
"Don't get involved in this. We only want Sportsmaster." His voice had a hard edge. I realized quickly why they wanted him. "Because of me." I wanted desperately to rip off the Talon mask and show him who I really was.

But I couldn't. I wasn't allowed.

Shaking my head. I braced myself for an attack from my best friend. And the attack came. I blocked the blows with ease, predicting each move he would make. I tried to block out the cries of my teammates as they fought. "It's like sparring. Take him down without doing damage." That thought fueled me, pushing past my programming.
Suddenly he turned his attention to his girlfriend as she let out an anguished cry.

"Artemis!" He screamed, seeing the wound in her leg. I grit my teeth, seething. Sportsmaster had stabbed her. He stabbed his own daughter. Wally turned toward me with a new sense of rage in his eyes, giving him strength. His blows came nonstop, and I scrambled to block them.

My breathing became labored as my movements slowed. Finally, I put my arms down. Better for him to knock me out so I can't hurt anyone. I grunted as he threw a sharp punch upward, hitting the bottom of my mask. Terror gripped me as I felt the mask fly off. I fell to the ground, panting.

"Not so tough now, are you?" Kid Flash taunted. I turned to look at him, giving him a clear view of my unmasked face.

"Rob?" The gasps of my teammates were heard as the name escaped my best friends lips.

"Talon!" I heard Deathstroke command. I felt a sinking feeling in my gut as I realized what was about to happen. "Keep going!" I drew my sword, pointing it towards my astonished best friends heart.

"I'm sorry." I managed to whisper. I swung my sword, forcing him to reel back.

"Robin, please! Snap out of it!" Aqualad's shouts reached my ears. I glanced over at him, wincing as he took a hit from Deathstroke. Sportsmaster laughed.

"He can't! He is ours now." He paused as Artemis let out an enraged scream, lunging at her father. "So, in a way, the Bat Brat really is dead." My attacks continued to rain down on Wally. He dodged them one by one, refusing to hit me. Tears began to fall as I pressed on, forcing him to the ground.

"Kid!" Aqualad screamed. Superboy lunged at me, but in his hesitation Deathstroke tackled him away.

"Finish him Talon! Now!" I leveled my sword at his chest, shaking.

"No, I can't." I adjusted my grip. "Please." I raised my sword, preparing to plunge it into his heart. The sounds of Artemis sobbing broke through. "NO!" My sword swung, plunging into the earth next to my best friend. Deathstroke let out an enraged roar. He pulled out his gun, aiming at my chest.

Wally's eyes widened as he realized what was happening. Too late. As the sound of the shot echoed in my ears, I smiled at my team. Confidently, like I did before this whole thing happened. I felt a sharp pain in my chest as the bullet hit its mark. The smile never left my face as my vision faded, leaving only darkness.

   Hey guys! Don't hate me yet, this story isn't over! Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the rest. I can't believe this fic is almost done! I'm pretty excited, it'll be the first fanfic I've finished that is actually long! Anyway, gotta get back to writing!

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