Surprise Motherf***er

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Well now is the day, I can't believe I agreed to this.

"Where ever we're going, it better be worth it," I said placing my hands on my hips.

"Have I ever disappointed you," she said with a grin.

"I'm not going to answer that."

"Exactly, cause I never have."

I rolled my eyes. We're not there yet so I would consider her my girlfriend with benefits. No wait I think it's friend with benefits. Oh well, same difference.

"Well, will you tell me?," I asked. Now I had my arms crossed on my chest.

"Sure, but it'll cost ya," Chloe said with that grin she does when she has one of her ideas. Instead I turned around and went towards the steps of her house's front door. "What? What did I do?"

"Cmon house mover, get these boxes in the trunk," I said talking about our luggage. She mumbled to herself and all I can make out was "bossy bitch" and "hella". "Yeah yeah, I know. Chloe Abuse. I haven't even pulled out the whip."

"Oh yes please," she said giving me a flirtatious smile.

"Get moving," I said giggling a bit.

The garage door was open and the garage was full of boxes. Boxes full of clothes and any other things that we need. She took in the room probably seeing which ones she taking first.

She picked up a box full of my stuff. At least she's not being selfish and taking hers first. "Damn, what did you put in here?"

"My wallets," I said referencing Patrick from Spongebob.

She gave me that "really" face. "Smart ass," she said carrying it to her truck.

I still can't believe I'm leaving Arcadia Bay already after I just got back. But it was my decision and I'm sticking with it.

"Alright, I'm worn out," I heard her say.

"You only moved one," I said as she slid down on the side of her car.

"One is enough."

"Chloe I swear," I said getting up and started moving them myself. She stood up again and watched me move the box. Like she was studying me. "Hey, are you going to keep googly eyeing me or are you going to actually help?"

"Hmmm," she said through tight lips. "Watch out sista, let me show you how it's done."

She took the box out of my hands. Now she's acting like she can do anything. "You know what, why don't we both work together?"

"You had me at "together"," she said with a wink.

"You've been flirty all day, I think you need to calm down." And it's true, she's been attempting to flirt with me since this morning.

Since she helped me pack all my stuff from my dorm, we actually had a "sleepover". I can tell she enjoys sharing a bed with me.

She shrugged, causing some things to shuffle in the box. "Can't have fun?"

"Hey, I'm going to have to ruin your fun, we still have to talk to Joyce and David."


"What do you think you can leave without telling your parents goodbye?"

"Correction, it's parent, I still don't count stepdouche as my dad."

"Fine, whatever, he's still your guardian, so you still owe him a farewell."

"The minute I step back inside that house, I'll be showered with affection or a bunch of scoldings. And quite frankly I prefer neither."

"If you're going to be this way, I'll just tell them to come out here."

She dropped the box on the ground, causing the contents to fall out. "Max! No don't do it!"

"Then you march in there and tell your mommy and daddy you love them."

"Max, I hate you and love you. Fine I'll tell them."

As she walked past me, she punched me in the shoulder. "Ow," I said holding it.

"That's what you get for bossing me around all afternoon, this slave is revolting," she said now grinning.

Chloe POV

I stepped inside the house, expecting Joyce to run up to me, but she didn't. That kinda had me worried.

"Chloe come in here," I heard her yell.

I walked slowly to the living room to find her sitting on the couch. David was sitting next to her, keeping a hand on her stomach. Why is he doing that? It's like he feels something there.

"Hey Mom," I said in a monotone voice. "We're about to go and by my free will I wanted to say bye."

"I know but that's not the only reason I wanted you in here," she said now looking like she's trying to choose her words carefully. "Don't go all psycho when I tell you this. And I know you will not take this nicely, but-"

Now my suspicions were coming down to one conclusion. "Y-you're pregnant?" She looked down expecting me to blow up just then. "You are?"

"Yes," she finally said.

"I'm a sister?"


"But it's his baby too," I said pointing a finger at douchebag.

"Chloe please don't start-."

"You banged my mother? What the fuck!," I said now glaring at him.

"Will you calm down?"

"No, he should've kept his pants on,"

"Look Chloe, you'll soon learn that it might happen in the future for you, it's just the cycle of life," he said finally said.

"I'm not going to have babies, that's for damn sure." Then it hit me. This was going to be my future sibling. "I-I'm sorry Mom."

"It's alright, are you calmed down now?"

"Yeah, I'm fine now," I said, looking down guiltily.

"I don't expect the news to keep you here, but I want you to think about how the child might grow up without a sister. You are role model now to him. Even though you are really a bad influence, but he's going to look up at you."

I let out a breathe. "Uh can I?," I said pointing at her stomach. She nodded. I walked over to her and crouched down so my face is in front of her stomach. "Uh hey there little dude or dudette. Umm this is your sister's voice, and you won't hear it again for a little while because I have to go somewhere away from home. But I'll be back the day you come into this world. I might have not met you yet but I already love you."

I got up and hesitated. I hugged her, I felt her shocked. I quickly stepped back and nodded at David. "I'll be back," I said.

I walked out the door and saw Max staring at me. Was I crying? I rubbed my eyes and sure enough I was.

I clapped my hands together. "Well, ready to go?," I said smiling the best that I can.

I can tell she wanted to ask, but she kept her mouth shut and nodded.

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