truth or dare

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Holly's POV

Jack dared wyatt to kiss the most beautiful girl he sees. I new that it was going to be me since we are together. Then i saw wyatt look at skylar. I thought he was going to kiss skylar but he didint. I felt myself blush. Then it was wyatt's turn to spin. Then it landed on skylar. Then wyatt said truth or dare. Skylar said dare. Wyatt said i dare you to change your clothes.  Then skylar went upstairs inside her room.

Skylar's POV

It was wyatt's turn to spin and it landed on me. He asked me truth or dare. I said dare. Wyatt said i dare you to change your clothes. I went upstairs and changed. I Wore

My addidas oufit

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My addidas oufit. Then it landed on jayden.

Jaydens POV

Sophia spinned and it landed on me. Sophia said truth or dare and i said dare. Sophia said i dare you to tell us your crush. I said well my elementary crush was ally. Let Me show u a pic

That was my elementary crush

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That was my elementary crush. Everybody was saying that she looked pretty cute. Then we heard skylar say thats my friend. Can she come? Then everybody said of course but i didnt want her to come. But they just called her.

Ally: hi skylar whats up

Skylar: hey ally can u come over

Ally: sure

Skylar: ok bye

End of conversation

Skylar's POV

I said let me show you a pic of her now

Skylar's POV I said let me show you a pic of her now

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She is pretty. Finn said ya

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