Tickle Monsters

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Little Joey ran around the room holding his favourite teddy bear Ellie as Taehyung and Clyde (known as the tickle monsters) chased after Joey. Joey's giggles could be heard throughout the apartment the group of friends were sharing. "I'm going to get you!" Taehyung shouted as he turned a sharp corner which caused little Joey to scream. Eventually, Taehyung and Clyde had cornered little Joey and started attacking Joey with endless amount of tickles. Joey had bursted into laughter as he tried to run away, but at last, it was no use so he yelled "D-Daddy! H-help m-e!" through his giggles. Dominic (Daddy) was in the middle of cooking them dinner, so he was unable to save Joey! When all hope was lost, Vera and Kai swooped into the rescue and attacked the tickle monsters, causing Joey to run away into Felicia room. He hid in Felicia's closet and right when Felicia was about to leave for her night shift Joey shouted "Bye Felicia!" Joey stayed in the closet for a good two minutes before he heard Dominic shout "JOEY! THE TICKLE MONSTERS HAVE BEEN DEFEATED! NOW COME EAT DINNER!" which made Joey run out of Felicia's room with joy. In the end, they all sat at the table and peacefully ate dinner, free from the tickle monsters.

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