Part Five: The Father

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Hailey's POV:

I couldn't stop crying. I didn't want to bring Isaley into the world this way. Why? I mean, I know I probably should've thought twice before having his baby but...I just...wasn't thinking. I reached for my phone and called him. "Aaron, you need to get over here. Please." Aaron. The father of my baby, also known as Yamimash. "I heard what happened. I'll be right over. Did you tell Mark...?" He asked in a calm tone. "Yea. He yelled at me. He...hates me..." I say crying even harder. "Calm down honey, I'll be over as fast as possible." He says as he hangs up. Mark walked back in the room with tears rolling down his cheeks. " cheated on me with my best's over." He tells me as he takes off his wedding ring and throws it in the floor. "No...what have I done..." I mumble as I cry hard. I need Aaron. Bad. I'm not sure if I'll live but I want him. I need him. Just once more before I go. I was close to crying myself to sleep as Aaron came into the room and surprisingly woke me up. He rubbed my tear stained cheeks, while running his fingers through my hair. He kissed me and said "Everything will be okay, my little princess. Don't worry." Mark silently walked up behind Aaron with his fist ready to go. "AARON WATCH OUT!" I screamed as he hit the floor bleeding. I couldn't take it. I ripped off my wires and got out of the bed. The nurses ran in the room as I collapsed onto the floor. "...Aaron..." I say crying. Isaley was crying. Loud. Like she understood my pain. The nurses helped me back up into the bed and took Mark away. I passed out as Aaron held my hand. Pitch black. All I ever saw. All I ever think I will see anymore.

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