I Wasn't Jealous!

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          A young college couple strolled through a forest blanketed in glittering white snow. Paw prints of various shapes and sizes littered the ground. The only other color visible was the rich umber bark of the seemingly lifeless trees. Their branches held strong against the heavy icicles that dangled and sparkled. A crisp winter wind was apparent, which forced the couple to bundle up in multiple layers to protect themselves from the brutal air. Even doing so, the chill breeze cut through their jeans and stung any and all bear skin. Still, the cold did not deter them from enjoying their day off from lectures, classes, and schoolwork.

          "So, where exactly are we going?" Dmitri asked, effectively breaking the comfortable silence between the two. Puffs of white vapor rose from his lips and he watched it boredly.

          Giggling, Madeline answered, "It's a secret~" After hearing him sigh, she teased, "What, can't take a like cold?"

          "No, that's not it," he replied calmly. "We've been walking for hours, and all we've seen is trees, trees, some more trees- oh, did I forget to mention trees because I feel like I have." Laughing at the sarcastic comment, Madeline shoved him slightly before grabbing hold of Dmitri's hand. Once their fingers were intertwined, she gently swung their hands back and forth. Catching sight of a large violet bag hanging loosely from her shoulder, he spoke, "If you're not going to tell me where we are going, will you at least tell me what's inside that big bag of yours?"

          "Mm," she pretended to think. "Nope! It's part of the secret!" Again, he sighed and she giggled. "We're almost to the spot. You'll find out soon enough."

          After a few more minutes of walking the distance between the trees grew and soon a frozen lake was the dominant feature. The gears in Dimitri's head began to turn, but he wasn't quite sure exactly why his girlfriend had brought them here on their day off.

          Madeline shrugged off the bag and crouched down to pull out its contents: two pairs of ice skates. She talked as she handed Dmitri his skates, "I skate here with my sister every year. I asked her to check the lake yesterday, and she told me it was in perfect condition to skate on." He watched in awe as she effortlessly and speedily laced up the boots. Before he could even utter a single word, she laced up his boots as well. "Remember last week when you mentioned that you missed skating with your younger siblings?" Dimitri nodded. "Well, I thought if I took you skating it might help cure your homesickness a little. I know I'm not your sibling, but I hope it helps."

          Smiling, he gently ruffled her hair and thanked her.

          Soon enough the duo waddled over to the lake. Madeline wasted no time and took off. Every motion was smooth and graceful; it was almost as if she did this everyday as she did walking. Dmitri couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. Even though he, too, skated quite often when he was growing up, he was never as great as she was. He couldn't effortlessly leap into the air, nor could he spin around without being very wobbly after. The only trick on ice that he could perform was skating backwards. Madeline was obviously talented and made for ice skating. Honestly, Dimitri was surprised that she insisted on becoming a veterinarian and not a figure skater. She had both the skills and the body for the sport.

          Feeling eyes staring into her, she looked up to see her boyfriend gawking at her. Awe with a twinkle of jealousy was clearly evident in his gaze and stance. Deciding to tick him off a little bit, Madeline picked up her pace before performing a triple salchow. She then skated over to where Dimitri stood with his jaw hanging down. Smirking, she teased, "Leave your mouth open like that any longer and you'll catch flies."

          He snapped his jaw closed before mumbling, "I was just impressed by your skill, that's all."

          "Quit grumbling and skate with me!" She impatiently grabbed his hands and pulled him onto the ice. The male nearly fell on top of her, for he was not prepared to be yanked forward so aggressively. Madeline giggled as Dimitri struggled to balance himself. "Did you forget how to skate or something?" she snickered.

          "No-! Uh, well, kind of. It's been nearly six years since I last skated, alright!" he defended weakly.

          "Then let me reteach you. I might even help you learn a few tricks, Mr. Jealous~"

          "I wasn't jealous!" After she sent him a 'really?' look, he bashfully muttered, "Fine, I was a little jealous, but just a little!"

          Needless to say, the rest of the day was spent with Madeline teaching Dimitri the basics of skating along with a few tricks she knew.

I Wasn't Jealous! (Hetalia: Nyo! CanUkr)Where stories live. Discover now