The Thief

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Matt's feet pounded on the asphalt, he was panting with each step he took. He carried the bread in his hand smelling the aroma of it, it smelt like freshly baked bread and he couldn't wait to eat it when he got home. His home wan't what most people called a home after all, he was the troll that lived under the bridge but it was shelter. He lived with his older brother, Luke.

When Matt glimpsed behind him he saw a police officer chasing him. Matt saw an alley up ahead, he referred to it as scapealley, it was so small only other small children could fit through it. He took a hard left and ducked under a small opening, when he got on the other side he heard the police officer try to get to him but the officer got stuck. Matt had a laugh out of it and told the officer, "stick around", and with that said he turned and ran. As soon as Matt got home he told his brother, "I got some bread, want any?" Luke (his brother) replies, "sure, why not". "Get anything else?" Luke asked, Matt said, "no this is it, either speak up or forever hold your peace". Luke just replies with, "ok, next time please get me some more food".

A sudden memory flashed over Matt, it was about how his dad died right in front of his eyes, then switches to the foster house he lived in when he got abused, then finally to him running away. He remembered his brother being the only person he really trusted after he ran away.

                            ~~~~~12 years later~~~~~

Matt woke up to the sound of sirens, he looked around and noticed a bag full of money next to him. He had almost no recollection of what happened the night before, then it hit him with a flash. He was running with a money bag in his hands after robbing a bank. He quickly stood up alert and ready to go on the run again. He knew he had to escape and he knew he could too, after all he'd been doing it the majority of his life. After a while he got good at it. He watched the police get closer and get out of their cars to chase him.

Matt started running, he ran into an alley with the cops right behind him. Matt was going to hop a fence but the last thing he heard were the sounds of gunshots, he fell to the ground with sheer pain in his back. He closed his eyes as the wound became numb and everything went red very slowly then darkness was all he could see, and gone.

His life flashed before his eyes, his last birthday party, when Luke decided to leave him in search of a decent life, and lastly when he got into a fight the day before he died Everyone left him he never had anything solid. No one would miss him, No one would give him a funeral, and no one would love him. His life was pointless. He used to think that stealing was everything but stealing was how he lost everything.

He looked around at the unfamiliar place, he saw nothing but cinders and burning coal. There stretched in front of him was at long pathway, Matt thought what to do and he had a gut feeling to go down the path. As he headed down the path it split into two different paths. He chose the path to his right, in about 20 or so minutes he came to a throne room. Matt peeped his head inside and heard a loud booming voice, "COME IN".

Matt was face to face with the devil himself, Matt was confused and thought for a second, then realized he died. The devil had said, "come I need to get you ready for your appointment with death". Matt too surprised to say anything stayed there looking at the devil with a dumbfounded look on his face. Then Matt says, " appointment with death?" Devil replies, "yes your appointment. Let's fix you up and then I'll teleport you to him". Pfft, " there you go, now be gone", said the devil.

Matt looked down and noticed he was put in a Black and white suit with a red tie around his neck. He looked up and noticed his surroundings has changed. He saw death in his fancy black bath robe."That is one fanc-" Matt started but was rudely interrupted by Death "This is not a bathrobe!!!!"

Death takes a deep breath and continues talking, "Let's get down to business, you got problems buddy". Matt replies innocently, "Not as many as you." Death ignores matts stupidity and says, "your punishment, will be to live forever and always lose anything you gain". Matt replies in a shriek, "NOOO!!!", Matt asks death "what did I do to deserve this?" Death pulls out a record, and simply replies, "shoplifting, killing,bullying, and repeated stealing".

With that said Matt was punished for the rest of his life, he never aged, never died, and always lost everything he gained.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2018 ⏰

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