Pretty Little Liars : BOY ADDITION

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Introduction- Hello everyone. I decided to start this novel because, well lets face it there is way more girl books then there is boy books. I Also want to make one thing PERFECTLY CLEAR - I AM NOT MAKING FUN OF SARA SHEPARD'S NOVELS IN ANY WAY. I am just creating this novel for my and other reader's benefits. So no disrespect to Sara Shepard or any of her books. So now that we got that out of the way. Here it is, PRETTY LITTLE LIARS : BOY ADDITION...Enjoy!


                                                          Chapter One - It all Happened So Fast.


As I was sitting on my living room couch watching T.V. I looked out the window and noticed the paper had came. I sighed as i got up. I know It would be the same story with the same headline. 'BOY STILL MISSING'. It all happened so fast one minute my best friend was there then in the next minute he was gone.


My four best friends Bryan, William, Edward, and Mike were all hanging out at my house. We were having a sleep over. It was the last day of summer so we were all upset. Except for Bryan who was actually excited to go back to school. Bryan was what i would call the leader of our group. Andrew, me, was the smart one. Also the only one who stand up to Bryan. William was the one who always worried a.k.a. 'The Good One'. Mike was the lay-ed back jock he played soccer and la cross. And Edward was what Bryan called "The Stupid Fat One". Even though Bryan called Edward mean names all the time. Edward was still stupid enough to stick around.

It was around midnight when we all started to fall asleep.


"ANDREW WAKE UP" Mike yelled pushing me off my bed.

"WHAT THE FUCK? WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" I yelled heading towards Mike.

"Andrew stop." Edward was now behind me.

"We cant find Bryan anywhere." William said standing next to Edward.

"What do you mean you cant find him?" I started to cool down.

"It means he isn't in the house." Mike stood in front of my bedroom door. Opening the door and walking out. We all followed him.

"See." Mike said as we went down stairs into my living room. "Bryan isn't anywhere."

"What if something happened to Bryan?" William started to go into panic.

"Relax Will. Bryan is probably just outside getting some fresh air." I Said as Mike rolled his eyes.

We all headed to the front door. Which was opened by just a crack.

"See I told you." I said as i opened the door.

As we walked onto the porch we looked around for Bryan. He wasn't there.

"Well where do we look now smart one?" Mike smirked as he walked back inside.

"Guys?" William looked at me and Edward. "I think i heard him Scream."

                                                         >END OF FLASHBACK<

I walked out on my porch to get my paper. The memory started coming back. I quickly shook it off and read the paper head line. Like i said the headline was about Bryan, The front page story was about Bryan. I sighed as i went back inside and set the paper down on the kitchen counter. I couldn't believe Bryan was really gone. I was probably the only one who thought Bryan was dead. It just made the most since. I mean Bryan went missing a year ago. He would have came back by now.

I went back into my living room and sat back down on the couch. My phone buzzed. 'Who would send me a text on a Sunday' I thought. I opened the text.

I'm Still here Andrew and i know everything -B

*SO what did you think. Comment and express your opinion. If i get too many bad comments i probably wont make another chapter. Also I apologize for this chapter being so short. Also fro it being so plain. But don't worry i am just getting started if you guys make good comments i will make better and more detail chapters.* P.S. I NEED CHARACTERS. SO i am having a type of contest. Send me the first ad last name of a character (That you make up) and tell me their background.* Malcolm :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2012 ⏰

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