Vlog Kissing?

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*Joey's POV*

You know, hearing that Stacy likes me makes really happy, like way to happy. I've liked her since back when we worked at Teen.com together. I wonder how long she's liked me? I really hope Meghan dosent go all bezerk on her...I wont let her. "Joey, why havent you been vlogging latley?" She askes. Its true, I havent been vlogging very much recently, probaly the last vlog I posted was 6 days ago! "Oh, I dont know. Well, I do. Since ive been haning out with you, you have been going through some stuff, and I wouldent want to just be like 'Oooo let me pull out my camra while Stacy is crying!' " She's silent. Oops. "I geuss that makes sense." She says, looking down. "Do you think...I could vlog now?" I ask. "Right now? Sure, I geuss." I get my camra, I look at Stacy, I keep my arm around her and she keeps her head on my sholder. I can tell shes confused. "Hi there everyone!" I say, keeping my head in picture befoure I put Stacy's in, which is hard because we have our heads toutching together. "I'm here with Stacy!" I move the camra over to her. "Were here, sleeping in the car at 1:30 AM, actualy were not sleeping, just really tierd." I look at Stacy, I know shes like 'Ugh Joey, If you vlog us together it kind of gives this away' but I know what im doing...Ok thats a lie im just being cute. "Stacy, will you tell the story of why were sleeping in my car in a parking lot.?" I ask, "Sure. Well, me and Joey were haning out on the beach, were we happend to fall asleep. So, at 1:00AM a man comes by and makes us up in the sand and says we cant sleep on the beach, so we went into Joey's car because its late and we dont want to drive because we are tierd." "And the guy was just like 'NO SLEEPING ON MY BEACH' and we were like 'wtf its 1:00 stop shining a flashlight in our faces'" She laughs. "Yea, this is a good story, though. One for the books" She says. I agree, defently a story for the books. "So thats why were sleeping in the car." I say. Stacy puts her head back on my sholder. Perfect. "And the car is small, so thats why were so close together." She says. She looks up at me and smiles a wonderful smile. "Yea..Thats why" I smile back. leaning in for a kiss, I feel like this is my move in the flirtatious game. She glances at the camera, I really hope this isnt me getting rejected, But she delivers and leans in aswell. We kiss, I'm still vloging, I dont know why, It just kind of happend that way. I wonder if this is going in the vlog? I don't really think it would be a good idea. I probably will tell David to cut this part out, or I'll do it myself. We pull apart and I click the camera off. She sees I'm no longer vlogging. "Why were you vlogging that?" She asks. I honestly had no idea why, it juts kind of happened. "I don't know, I guess I didn't even notice." I don't know if I wanna post it. I'm pretty sure Stacy doesn't want me to post it. I mean like, were technically not together, we just know we like one another, and want to get together. At least thats what I got from it. I fall asleep for a while. Im not sure if Stacy fell asleep too, but I think she did. Once we wake up, its 7:00 am and we are still a bit tired. We go into the front and I drive Stacy home. I figure I'll give her some time to comprehend everything that has happened in the last 10 hours.

*Stacy's POV*

I'm home from my crazy experience with Joseph. I'm having a hard time processing what happened. Joey said he had a crush on me, I kissed him, He kissed me and vlogged it, I really hope he doesn't post it. Like, If we date and say we are to the internet, thats one thing, but none of Joeys fans have a clue and I mean, they are crazy and might hunt me down if they don't like me. I know of one person who would really hate this. Meghan. Oh, what will Meghan do if she finds out? I cant have her find this out! I don't know what Im going to do! I start breathing a bit heavily, Oh no, I don't want this to happen. I start having a panic attack, I feel terrible! I cant do anything, I just look really stupid. I almost feel like I feel everything all at once, all bad emotions and thoughts are dog piling me. Now, If you have never had a real Anxiety panic attack, this is what its like. You cant concentrate on anything, you just start shaking, and if you try talking, you just stutter. You also breath fast and you want to just run, you get some kind of burst of bad energy. I think about calling Joey, he told me a few days ago when we were doing our 'Talk meeting' on the phone to ask for help when this happens. But I don't know if thats going to work in this predicament. I never do call him when this happens. Its a recurring problem in which seams worst in the moment. I try to get calm, try to get yourself calm when having an anxiety attack, aint so easy, huh?

*Meghan's POV*

I haven't herd from Joey or Stacy in awhile, which is good. Maybe she got some brains and learned to back off. I've been playing Minecraft on my phone recently to impress Joey with my skills. I built a nice little house with a moat in creative. I'm going to go show David how much I've improved, considering last week I couldn't make a box. "Dave!" I say coming to him. "What? Im working!" he says back. "Look what I m-" I get cut off by the computer. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT" I scream, in shock. "I'm editing Joey's vlog, look, he kissed Stacy!" "Play the beginning of that clip!" I command. "But I-" "NOW" He obeys. We watch the clip. "Oh...Stacy's gonna get it...shes gonna get it hard!" I say, storming off.

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now