Best Friends Forever-#1

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One day, Sarah and Alice were talking about their friendship.

Do you think well be best friends forever? asked Alice.

I think so, replied Sarah. Why wouldnt we?

I dont know, said Alice. Sometimes when people get older, they grow apart.

I have an idea! said Sarah. Lets take a blood oath!

A what? asked Alice, surprised.

A blood oath, said Sarah. Look, we both have to swear that we will be BFFs – Best Friends Forever. If we ever lose touch, we both swear that we will do everything we can to make sure we will be together forever.

Thats nonsense, Sarah, said Alice. We wont lose touch. Well always be together.

But Sarah continued to insist and, with a mixture of amazement and amusement, Alice finally agreed to the proposal.

Sarah found two needles and handed one to Alice. The girls took a piece of paper and wrote Best Friends Forever on the top and then signed their names at the bottom. They lit a candle and heated the tips of the two needles in the flame. Taking their needles, both girls pricked their index fingers and each smeared a drop of blood next to their signature.

Their blood oath was now sealed.

As the years passed, the girls grew up and left school. Alice went away to college in another city, while Sarah stayed in their hometown and got a job in a local store. Both of them got boyfriends and fell in love. The girls still kept in touch by phone, calling each other at least once a week.

When Alice had completed her law degree, she got a good job and decided to get married. The couple bought a house and settled down. A few years later, they had a beautiful baby boy. Alice was so busy with her family that she rarely found time to call Sarah. It wasnt long before, the phonecalls stopped completely and the friends lost touch with each other.

Although Alice would sometimes still think about her best friend from her youth, she never took the trouble to pick up the phone and call her. In the end, life had led the two women down different paths and they had not seen each other since they left school.

One night, Alice had a horrible nightmare. She was driving along an endless highway, when suddenly a truck in front of her began to swerve into her lane. The truck skidded and then collided with her car.

She woke up suddenly, soaked in sweat. Just as she was trying to calm herself down, she heard her front doorbell ringing. She glanced at the clock by her bedside and realized it was after 3 AM. Her husband was fast asleep on the other side of the bed.

At that moment, the doorbell rang again, insistently. Wondering who could be coming to visit at that time of night, Alice got up, threw on her nightgown and went downstairs

. When she opened the front door, she was shocked to see a woman standing on the porch. The woman was terribly pale, extremely haggard and had a huge, bleeding wound on her forehead. Although she had changed a lot, Alice recognized her immediately. It was her old friend, Sarah.

OMG, Sara! What happened? she cried.

Sarah just stared at her.

Come in out of the rain, said Alice. Are you hurt?

Sarah didnt move from where she was.

Whats wrong, Sarah? pleaded Alice.

Long time, no see, Alice! hissed Sarah. Ive come to fulfill my promise. Ive come to tell you I died.

Alice was speechless. Sarah held up her hand and pointed at Alice with her index finger. Her finger was dripping blood.

Life has separated us, Sarah continued, but we will be together in death. Ill be waiting

Alice fainted and collapsed on the ground.

The next morning, when Alice woke up, she found that she was lying in bed, next to her husband. She rubbed her eyes and wondered if the events of last night had all been just a bad dream.

At breakfast, she turned on the television and what she saw chilled her to the bone. The local newscaster was saying that, the night before, at 3 AM, there had been a fatal traffic accident. A truck had collided with a car on the highway. The driver of the car had been killed on impact.

The driver of the car was a woman named Sarah.

From that moment on, Alices life became a living hell. She barely ate a thing, she forgot to pick up her child from school and when she went to work, she couldnt concentrate on her job.

Every night, she had the same terrible dream. She would awake to the sound of the front doorbell ringing. She would open the door and find Sarah standing there, her bloody index finger pointing straight at Alice. Each time, she said the same thing: Ill be waiting

Each morning, Alice awoke in a cold sweat. She looked down and her bedsheets would be streaked with blood. She felt an excruciating pain in her finger and when she looked, her finger was covered in blood.

Her husband did not understand what was happening. He took his wife to see a doctor and a psychiatrist, but neither of them could find any explanation. Alices condition only grew worse and in her nightmares, she began seeing Sarah standing at her bedside, pointing with her bleeding finger.

One night, the husband was awakened by a dreadful noise. It was the sound of breaking glass. He ran out to the bathroom and discovered that the window was broken. Peering outside, he saw Alice lying on the sidewalk, her limbs askew. The horrified man rushed downstairs and out the front door. There was a pool of blood around his wifes head.


Well? What do you think? Watch out for my 80s|90s book! It's coming soon! All credits for this writing goes to the one and only....Drum roll please........ ScaryForKids!!! Go check out their website it's filled with all sorts of things. Well until next time!!! Adios amigas/amigos!!!


P.S please ignore the fact that there is no quotation marks for the dialouge. I am not going over it laugh out loud. I am sorry for misspelling recognize it is spelled with a S, but apparently Wattpad keeps correcting it. Please don't hate because I'm only 11. So keep that in mind. Well bye (for real)!!!

Stay positive!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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