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Jayson looked down at his arms and smiled widely. He was so proud. What was in his arms was everything he had hoped for and more. And as he held the new born infant in his arms he could only think of one name worthy of such a perfect being.

“Tommy,” he said aloud.

His best friend Sammy Joe smiled up at him. “I think Tommy is the perfect name for him. What do you think, Julie?” he asked their four year old daughter adorning her finest Sunday dress.

“Yeah,” she agreed with a grin.

After Tommy died Jayson was a wreck. He concentrated all he had into my school work, especially Journalism. He needed some sort of distraction from the gaping hole in his life. He graduated in the top of his class and went to Berkley University. It was during a practice exam that he first noticed Sammy Joe. He didn’t pay much attention to him at first, because he was just a boy who sat behind Jayson in Math, and he was still grieving over Tommy and spending every free moment he had focused on Journalism. When he finally got Jayson’s attention it was clear that he was still broken. But he was patient. Sammy Joe knew Jayson would never fully be able to get over the boy he loved, and he was okay with that. They didn’t actually date until they graduated from Berkley; he was just humoring Sammy Joe at the time. They didn’t get engaged until he got a job writing for the New York Times, it didn’t last long; Jayson just didn’t feel the same way about Sammy Joe. It wasn’t until he got his own column, that they got an apartment together anyway. They decided that they wanted a baby right away; it was a big commitment for the two. But six months later, Julie was adopted. Sammy Joe was the one who suggested naming her after Jayson’s deceased sister; the thought had never crossed his mind. The two lived for four years in a tiny apartment with Julie before they made the decision to move into their own house, which seemed like an even bigger commitment, and when they found a dream home they could agree on they decided it was time to add another member to the household. Sammy Joe searched high and low for the perfect girl to adopt from, she was sixteen and way too young, they asked her to keep the sex of the baby a secret because they wanted to be surprised this time. But the second Jayson held his new son in his arms; he knew that Tommy was the only name that would fit the child.

Staring at the new addition to his sort-of-family he realized that would not fully ever be over his first love and he finally accepted that. He owns a special place in Jayson’s heart that nothing or no one could ever fill. He knew he could never love another boy as much as he loved Thomas Woods. Sure he love Sammy Joe, but he would never be what Tommy was to Jayson. That was the deepest and purest kind of love a person can have. It was the kind of love that would never be forgotten and would never happen again in a person’s life time.

Jayson could feel it in the deepest parts of him that he would meet up with Tommy again, as sure as he was looking at the tiny perfect human in his arms. As long as he continued being a good father, he knew he would have a lot to tell Tommy when that day came.


This is the end end. I have to say I am truly going to miss these two. I feel like they were real living breathing people that I knew. I don't think I have ever gotten so attatched to my own characters. 

I hoped you all cried along with me when it ended.        

--XoXo a very sad author.

~Edit this is not the end any more I couldn't sleep so I wrote a second epilogue~

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