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Warning! Warning! Warning!
All LadyNoir Fans, I will tell you when there is anti-LadyNoir. I will Spam this emoji... ⚠
That is all

Marinette P.O.V

I was shaking. I walked up to Adrien, courage spilling out behind me as Alya and Nino watched with support... I knew Alya would record this and put it on her blog... That didnt help my anxiety...

Adrien: Oh, Hey Marinette

Marinette: Hi A-Adrien, I-I wanted you something tell-- I mean I wanted to tell you s-something....

Adrien: Sure Marinette go ahead

Marinette: I-I Have a c-crush on you and I was w-wondering if you could return t-the feelings?

Adrien: I- Im so sorry Marinette, i already love another girl...

My eyes teared up...I knew i was going to hear those words, he loved Ladybug

Marinette: I-I have to go.......

I ran down the street, tears im my eyes, blurring my vision.
I tried to stop because I knew that I'd get Akumatised. Alya was running after me trying to comfort me, she probably sent Nino to talk to Adrien.
I still kept running and tried to get somewhere where I could transform into Ladybug.

Finally, I had lost Alya and found a random alley way to hide in.

Marinette: Tikki, Spots On!

I grabbed my magic yo-yo and headed toward the Eiffel Tower. I still had tears in my eyes, I couldn't help myself...

Adrien P.O.V

What just happened...did Marinette just admit she likes me... I know Alya said Marinette likes me but i didn't think it was ACTUALLY true...

Why did Marinette leave...
Did I...hurt her..?
I hope not...
She's my best friend...
Before she left I saw her tears...
I think I hurt her... A lot....

Suddenly I saw Ladybug heading toward the Eiffel Tower.. I ran to a hiding spot where no one could find me..

Plagg: Kid, you messed up. Big time.

Adrien: What do you mean Plagg?

Plagg: I told ya. That girl, Marinette, was a keeper.

Adrien: But Plagg I love Ladybug..

Plagg: pfft. Stop pretending. You just keep persuading yourself to 'love' Ladybug.

Adrien: I swear I'm not Plagg. Now.

Claws Out!

Ladybug/Marinette P.O.V

I sat atop the Eiffel tower, I had stopped sobbing now and was just looking at the beautiful scenery.

Suddenly, I heard a farmilliar voice...

???: Hey Bugaboo

It was only Chat

Ladybug: Oh hey Chat

Chat: So whats a purrfect Lady like you doing up here alone?

Ladybug: Just thinking...

Chat: About me?

Ladybug: In your dreams Chaton.

Chat Noir/Adrien P.O.V

We sat together and watched the sun slowly setting over the bridge.


Chat: M-My Lady...Please may I ask you something..

Ladybug: Of course Chat, go ahead.

Chat: D-Do you love me?

Ladybug : Of course Chat, you're my best friend, one of my closest.

Chat: O-Oh.. Okay....

I frown to myself and look away to wipe my tears...I didn't want Ladybug to see me cry over being in the friend zone...

Ladybug: Chat...Are you Okay?

Chat: Y-yeah Im fine...W-we should head home, it's getting late...

Ladybug: Ok chat.. See you tomorrow I guess...

Chat: Bye....

I run home, tears welling up in my emerald green eyes... As soon as i reach my home I detransform and flop onto my bed, exhausted from crying...


Plagg P.O.V

Oh great, the kid is crying over heartbreak even thought he broke Marinettes heart earlier. Ugh. Time to be generous.

Plagg: Kid whats up?

Adrien: Ladybug friendzoned me...

Plagg: Great...

I told him that Marinette was a keeper, but he didn't listen, oh no. Dont listen to the magical creature who grants you powers so you can save Paris.

Adrien: You have no emotions whatsoever do you?

Plagg: Not really, now, i want some Camembert, besides you have patrol later.

This kid better give me my cheese.

Ladybug/Marinette P.O.V

I used my yo-yo to get back home and detransformed, I gave Tikki some cookies before laying down on my bed.

Tikki: Marinette are you Okay after what happened after school today?

Marinette: No.

I get up and start ripping down all of my pictures of Adrien and throw them into the bin. I don't know who I truly love now, but I'm sure it isn't Adrien...

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