Chapter 4

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A year later.

Last Thursday was Harry's 5th birthday. Zayn had begged his mother to let Harry go to his school, like immediately. So here they are, on a Monday morning, all dressed up for school.

Trisha somehow managed to enroll Harry in the same school as Zayn since she and her husband are the members of the school board.

Zayn and Harry walk hand in hand to the awaiting car. The chauffeur, Leete, is standing beside the car and holding the car door for them. Zayn has a wide grin on his pretty face because his Barbie is going to his school from now and he can see him anytime he wants. Harry has a little smile on his angelic face. He is excited for his first day of school, yet nervous at the same time 'cause he doesn't know how to socialize with strangers. He is kinda shy, you see, and he only communicates with Zayn's family and the staff who work in the Malik mansion.

"Good morning, little master and little Harry." Leete greets them warmly. Leete is a slender middle aged man. He is a nice person; he always greets Harry when Harry comes to say goodbye to Zayn every morning when Zayn leaves for school. In fact, all the staff working there are nice people, Harry loves them.

"Morning, Leete." Zayn grins.

Harry gives Leete a warm smile and a small wave before following Zayn in the car. Leete gently closes the door and goes to the driver's seat.

"Sit here, Barbie." Zayn demands and gestures the place between his legs.

"Yes, master." Harry obeys and sits between Zayn's legs with his back pressed against Zayn's chest while Zayn wraps his arms around Harry's waist.

Zayn always loves to cuddle with Harry whenever he can, and Harry loves it too.

"You smell so good, Barbie." Zayn puts his chin on Harry's shoulder and sniffs his neck.

"It's ticklish, master." Harry giggles softly.

Zayn grins and stops sniffing Harry. "Are you excited for school?"

"Yes." Harry nods with a little smile even though Zayn couldn't see it.

When they arrive at the school, Zayn takes Harry to his first class and tells him he'll see him at the lunch break before kissing him goodbye.

"You're the new student, right?" When Harry walks in the classroom, a blonde woman asks him with a bright smile on her beautiful face. She is a nice person too, Harry thinks.

Harry nods timidly.

"Hello, I'm Miss Jennings. You can also call me Miss J." Miss Jennings squats down to Harry's height and smiles fondly at him, "What's your name, love?"

"Harry, Harry Malik." Harry replies softly.

"Harry, love, come here. Let's introduce you to the class." Miss Jennings gives Harry a reassuring smile and reaches out her hand to Harry.

Harry looks at her hand for a second before putting his little hand on hers. They walk to the front of the class. Miss Jennings clears her throat to get everyone's attention.

"Good morning, class." Miss Jennings smiles at her students. "Today we have a new student joining us. Let's welcome him, yeah?"

The students clap their hands and cheer.

"Tell the class your name, love." Miss Jennings says.

"H-Hi, I'm Harry Malik." Harry waves at the class shyly.

Barbie (Zarry)Where stories live. Discover now