False Information/Falsa Informacion

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We are here. Hello to the people who decided to read this part. I had a tough time deciding if I should write this part or not but ended up with 'sure, why not.'

Okay, this phase is called False Information. What does that mean? It doesn't really exactly means as what the title tells you. It means that there are times things happen in the fandom that are not so sunshine and rainbows. It also means that when some things happen in the fandom and ended up turning false, there are many things that happen.

I have been in them, yes. This is details ONLY. I will not be writing my opinions on it, if you want them, private message me. It will also be nice if you don't comment YOUR opinions. One person may disagree you and you guys know how that goes. No hate please.

This is the point of view in the fandom. There aren't a lot, but they are enough to cause a lot of negative things. Please read carefully and ask questions about some information.

Sections (Not in order) :

1. Richard Hate

2. Joerick Kiss Picture

3. Zabdiel and Gwen

4. Joel's Twitter Ex-Fan

5. Erick and Jessica

6. Joerick Kiss Video

7. CNCOwners and Coders

8. Joel Coming Out Tweet

9. CD9 Member Comment on Richard

10. MaitteJoelFan and Joerick Shippers

11. Joel Criticising LGBT Article

12. CNCOwners and ARMYs

Some are small things but others are not. Some even took up for a long time, some are still an issue today.

I suggest you read it completely. You decided to read this phase, so you need to be more serious. It is all I ask. I know some of the titles does not give you a good feeling. When you read a section of each, I will put a status like ongoing, false, resolve.etc. Don't get to scared about the titles.

Now, we will get started. Don't start any drama please...

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