Truth or Dare

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It was a quiet day in the hackerspace. Josh was hard at work at his computer, Ray was passed out on the couch, and Marcus was printing some new weapons. Wrench and Sitara, since they didn't have much to do, decided to play a few rounds of truth or dare.

"Truth or dare?" Wrench asks her. She takes a sip of her beer before answering. "Dare." "I dare you to...kiss Josh on the cheek." he says. Sitara's eyes widened a little bit before giving Wrench a determined look. "Easy peasy." She says before walking over to Josh's desk. Wrench watches from where he's sitting. He sees Sitara say something to Josh before giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Sitara walks back to her seat. "Done. Truth or dare?" Sitara asks in a mischievous tone. "Dare." Wrench says immediately. Sitara giggles. "Since I had to kiss Josh on the cheek, I dare you to kiss Marcus on the lips." She finally says. The X's on Wrench's mask quickly change to exclamation points.

Wrench has liked Marcus for a while now and everyone knows this except for Marcus. For someone who can find their way into almost every building in the city, Marcus is surprisingly oblivious.

"I-I don't wanna play anymore." Wrench says, his mask displaying ;-;

"Too bad. A dare is a dare." she says, taking another sip of her beer.

He slowly gets up from his seat and walks over to Marcus. Marcus had his earphones in so he doesn't hear their conversation or Wrench walk up to him. Sitara secretly pulls out her phone and films them. Wrench taps his shoulder and Marcus turns around and smiles at him. "Hey man, what's up?" Marcus says while taking out his earphones. Wrench's mask displays *-* before talking. "I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." Wrench quickly says. "Wha-" Before Marcus could finish, Wrench lifts up the bottom part of his mask and smacks his lips against Marcus'. The kiss lasts 5 seconds before Wrench quickly pulls away and pulls his mask back on. "It was a dare!" He quickly shouts before running out of the hackerspace. Sitara is crying with laughter. "Oh my god that was amazing!" She says, wiping tears from her eyes. 

Marcus however, was stunned, confused, and a little bit happy. 


Wrench ran to where he always goes when he has problems: the donut shop. Ever since his failed date with Naomi, the waitress who works at the shop, they became great friends who can listen to each other's problems. They sat at their usual spot near the window and Wrench explained what happened.

"Then I ran out of there like a coward! I don't think I can face him again, Naomi. He's gonna think I'm weird and will never speak to me again!" Wrench puts his head in his hands and sighs. Naomi grabs one of his hands and squeezes it reassuringly. Wrench looks up at her. "I have a feeling he won't be that upset with you." she softly smiles at him. "What makes you say that?" He asks, his mask flashing question marks. "I just have that feeling." she says, winking at him. She looks up at the clock hung on the store wall. "My break is over but I highly suggest you go back there just to let everyone know you aren't dead." She gives his hand one more squeeze before getting up from her chair and going behind the counter.

Wrench hesitates before getting up from his chair and exiting the shop.


Marcus was anxiously pacing back and forth in the hackerspace. The others went out while he stayed behind incase Wrench showed up.  He couldn't get a hold of Wrench and he couldn't find him through the street cameras. 

After Wrench ran out, he had time to think. He has felt something towards Wrench for a while but always brushed it off as nothing. When he tried setting up Wrench with Naomi, he felt a weird jealousy. He just thought it was because him and Wrench wouldn't get to hang out as much if he got a girlfriend but after some thinking, maybe he wanted Wrench to himself. He may be oblivious to Wrench's pining, but at least the feeling is mutual.

As soon as he heard the door slide open, he whips his head around towards the stairs. He runs and pulls Wrench into a bear hug as soon as he sees him. "Oh my god, dude! I thought you weren't coming back!" Marcus says in a relieved tone as he pulls away. Wrench scratches the back of his head, his mask displaying /-\

"Listen dude, that kiss was a dare-" "Wrench" "-and I don't expect you to be happy with me-" "Wrench" "-I came back to tell you that I'm sorry-" "Wrench" "-and I still want to be friends-" 

"Wrench!" Marcus shouts, grabbing Wrench's shoulders. Wrench's mask displays 9-9. "It's honestly okay. I could never be mad at you, dude!" Marcus says smiling. Wrench lets out a sigh of relief, his mask returning to X's. "Plus, you did help me realize something." Marcus says. Wrench's mask flashes question marks. Marcus moves his hands from Wrench's shoulders and wraps his arms around his neck, inching his face closer to the masked man's. "I want properly kiss you." Marcus says nervously smiling. Wrench's mask flashes exclamation points. "O-Oh really?" Wrench stutters out, his mask displaying @-@. Marcus nods, a light blush dusts across his cheeks. Wrench lifts up the bottom of his mask and smiles. Marcus leans in and closes the gap between them. Wrench closes his eyes and melts into the kiss. 

They felt like time had stopped around them. It felt so right, like two puzzle pieces going together. They both wanted the moment to last forever but eventually, they had to pull away for air. Wrench pulls the bottom of his mask over his face. His masks starts displaying hearts. "That felt...amazing." Wrench breathlessly giggles. "I feel like I should have done that sooner." Marcus smiles.

A/N: aaaaaaaah hello!! Welcome to this one shot book I've started! I just want to say that if this ever ends up getting popular, please don't ask for updates. I update whenever I want to so please be patient for future updates!

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