Chapter One: Having Fun

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Hello just a note from the author please don't forget to leave your comments and I will try to answer back. It just leaves me to say thanks for reading. Author out for now.

Kerri’s POV:

Tonight didn’t go as planned. I’m not even joking. Tonight was meant to be fun, but no way. It was way worse than fun.

There’s trouble and then there’s trouble. Tonight was meant to cheer me up, but instead, it got me into trouble.

I recently moved away and I felt homesick. I missed my brothers, my sister, and my dad. So, the girls dragged me out to a club.

My name is Kerri Hopper. I’ve lived in Evermore for a year now with my friends: Shirina, Hunter, Nikayla, Leo, Percy, Kali, Kale, Abby, Nelle, Liv, Sage, and Cage.

Well, when I say that I live with them, I live with all of them, except for Shirina, Hunter, and Nikayla. But they’re still my friends.

Anyway, I didn’t particularly want to go. I was quite happy watching a movie but no. I had to go to the club. It was a new club; Club 75. When we finally got in, it wasn’t what I expected. It was quite classy.

As I took in the beautiful scenery, I noticed cameras were everywhere. Before I could think up possible reasons for them, Cage and Sage dragged me to the bar with the others.

“What do you want to drink?”

I looked at Cage. He knew I didn’t drink, but it didn’t stop him asking. As the night went on, they all drank, shot after shot after shot. Then, they were all dancing, leaving me at the bar with my lemonade.

A load of guys walked up to me, asking for a dance or to let them buy me a drink, but I brushed them off. Kale said I need to get out and find myself a guy, but nearly all of the guys here are idiots and I can’t see myself dating anyone of my friends.

I didn’t drink any of the drinks any random guy gave me. It really started to get on my nerves. Half of the guys were older than me.

I wanted to leave at one point, but Nikayla dragged me on the dance floor for a dance. In the end, I spent a few hours dancing before returning to the bar.

A group of guys approached me. They were definitely drunk. They told me to dance with them.

I refused.

They asked me to have a drink with them, over and over. But every time I refused, they seemed to get angrier and angrier. I looked for the others, but they were nowhere to be found.

One of the guys grabbed my wrist, holding it tightly. Another grabbed my waist. The last one was egging them on.

I was really scared. My fun night had just turned sour. I closed my eyes and felt another hand on my wrist. I looked up and there was this guy, pushing the others away.

“Let go of her.”

The guys smirked and let go. The one who held my wrist swung for the mystery guy. Like it was nothing, the guy pushed his punch away.

Before the situation got even more out of hand, what looked like security guards came over.

The mystery guy placed his hand gently on my lower back and walked me to a back room before the security guards escorted the men away. One shouted.

“This isn’t over Hale! We’ll be back for her!”

Unaware to me was the fact that I had tears streaming down my face. I soon realized when the guy wiped one away with his thumb.

I knew who he was the minute the guy said, Hale. The mystery guy was Mr. Hale, billionaire, and owner of this club. Actually, he owned the town.

“I’m sorry I caused you some trouble. I’ll...I’ll just go.”

Nik’s POV:
I was watching the security footage when I saw her. She had been sitting at the bar for most of the night.

Then I noticed three members of the Blue Lions enter and walk right up to her.

I knew then and there that they were looking for trouble, but I had seen many guys approach her. She brushed them all off, so I hoped they would leave her alone.

Of course, I was wrong. As soon as the first guy grabbed her wrist, I was out the door, running down the stairs.

As I walked in, another had his hands tightly around her waist whilst the other laughed and filmed it.

I went over and told them to go, but of course, they didn’t take the hint, so the guards had to get rid of them. The minute the guards had them, I walked away with the girl. She was now in a lot of danger, mainly because of me.

I took her to the back room. She had marks on her wrists from where he had grabbed her. And she most likely had marks on her waist, too.

As I was looking at her hands, I noticed she was crying. I wiped her tears away. I hate it when girls cry and I have two sisters. When she apologized and stood up to leave, I gently placed my hand on her arm.

“I can’t let you leave. Those guys, their part of the Blue Lion gang. You’re not safe. I’ll protect you until they’ve been sorted out.”

Kerri’s POV:
At first, I thought he was joking, but he looked so sad and guilty, I knew he was serious. My first thought was to run, the second to decline politely, but I went with the third: crying and agreeing.

He pulled me into his chest as I cried.

“Everything is going to be okay. Where do you live? We’ll collect your stuff and you can move in with me.”

I nodded and continued to sob. We stood there for what felt like forever. His shirt was drenched in tears and he seemed uncomfortable.

Nik’s POV:
As I said, I hate to see girls cry, but I don’t know this girl and I began to feel uncomfortable. I led her out through the back to my car. We collected her things and she left a note for her roommates.

Then we drove to my house, which was on the other side of town and she fell asleep, her head on my shoulder.

I couldn’t help but think, What have I got myself into?, as I placed her on the bed and covered her with the covers.

How I was going to explain this, I don’t know. I was going to slip away quietly, but instead, I laid next to her. She had an eventful night. She shouldn’t be left alone.

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