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Filipinos like to receive smiles when talking to a foreigner, so smile when you talk.

Some sentences that might come handy:

-Hi, do you know where the washroom is? = Hello po, alam niyo po ba kung nasan yung CR? Filipinos call washroom "bathroom, comfort room, or CR" in lower places they call it "banyo"

-Do you speak English? = Nagi-inglish po ba kayo?

-Sorry, I don't understand = Pasensya po, hindi ko po naiintindihan

Simple Words that might help you understand if a Filipino is speaking too fast:

Yes(informal)- Oo

Yes(formal)- Opo

No(informal)- Hindi

No(formal)- Hindi po

Sorry- Pasensya na (pronounced as [pasensha na])

Thank you/Very much- Salamat/ Maraming salamat

Me(formal)- Ako po

Me(informal)- Ako

You(formal)- Kayo po

You(informal)- Ikaw

*Everything formal has a "po" or "opo" at the end

Why[can be formal]- Bakit [po]

How[can be formal]- Papaano [po]/ Paano [po] {Pronunciation: pa-pa-a-no/pa-a-no}

What[can be formal]- Ano [po] *note that Filipinos tend to use this when they're mad

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