Queen of Arendelle

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We drove from my cabin, towards the heart of New York. The ride was beyond akward. No one spoke, and I didn't feel comfortable looking at the agents that sat in the car around me. I didn't know what they thought of me, or if they were looking at me. Quite frankly, I didn't want to.

Avoiding their eye contact, I kept my eyes looking out the window the entire ride. Through the heavy snow that fell, I could see that the city was still under repair. There had been a lot of damage a few months ago... when aliens attacked.

It was beyond strange... to know we are not alone in the universe and that there is... other races. Since the attack, I had wondered if I had come from an alien planet like some sort of weird alien superhero. I mean why not? Except I wouldn't be the hero... I would be the monster.

The thought tugged at my gut and I frowned. I immediately felt terrible. I tried to focus on something else but my thoughts kept wandering back. Your a monster... your a monster... your a monster... it echoed in my head. Ughh.. why did I have to beat myself over the things that happened hundreds of years ago.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The agent next to me looked over, "Are you okay?"

I opened my eyes quickly and took a glance at him, "Yes..." I decided to make up something, "I just get car sick." That wasn't really a lie, though. I hated cars. They were just a constant reminder of how old I was and how much time had passed.

Not to mention they are way too fast. I much rather be in a horse carriage.

The agent nodded, "Okay." He looked away, wearily. I think he feared me throwing up on him.


They escorted me to a small room for questioning. The only thing in it was two chairs, and a small table. I waited for maybe five minutes before someone came in to talk to me. It was the man who was doing all the talking when they came for me. He wore a black suit and held a clipboard with information involving the crash I guessed.

I eyed him, uneasily and then turned my gaze down. "Hello, my name is Agent Phil Coulson. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier today. We were in sort of rush with the blizzard and everything." He waited for me to introduce myself but I only nodded and fell silent.

"Would you like to tell me who you are?" He flipped through the pages on his clipboard, "We can't find you... really anywhere. According to records, your cabin has been empty for years."

I took a deep breath, "My name is..." I hesitated. I hated telling anyone anything about me. If you looked back far enough you would find my history. That is if you looked back far enough. "Elsa."

Agent Coulson nodded, "Just Elsa? Do you have a last name.. there has to be millions of Elsas in the world. It would be helpful." I looked down. No other Elsa like me. I didn't want to speak to this man. "How long have you lived here, Elsa?"

I looked up at him, again. I thought about it... Really, what could I do? I couldn't hide forever. Part of me had always known that. I just didn't want to accept it. "Elsa, you got to help me out here, so that I can help you. How old are you?"

Heh.. Wrong question.

"My name is just Elsa... and I moved here about two years ago." I shook my head slightly and let out a small half hearted smile, "I'm not sure how old I am either." Good answer... I mean really, I'd lost track. I knew I was over three hundred, but not the exact number. I didn't feel like my birthday meant anything after a while.

"Good, we are getting somewhere... Where are you from originally?"

Tell him the truth, Elsa. "Originally... I'm from Norway."

Agent Coulson nodded and stared me down. It made me anxious. So anxious, I questioned him, "Uhm.. What else do you want to know?"

"What really happened earlier today, Elsa?" He shrugged. "The man who was in the accident is one of our scientists... He's different." Agent Coulson made a weird face and then continued. "He has a tendancy of being kind of erratic. So I'm taking your word on the situation."

I bit my lip. Should I say what happened? I shook my head, "I can't..." The agent frowned and nodded.

"I want the truth Elsa."

I frowned.

"Elsa, if you can't tell me the truth, I can't help you in this."

I was starting to become annoyed. I was telling the truth. The fact is I didn't know the truth. I didn't know what I did or if I really did hurt the man. I could have. If my magic had gone wrong I could have killed him... But it didn't. I was telling the truth. "He's alive right?"

"Yes.. He is."

"Then I'm telling you the truth, when I say I helped him." I narrowed my eyes, "You would know if I had tried to hurt him," I snapped. Probably not the best thing to say to an agent who was questioning you on whether or not your a monster but hey, at least I'm being truthful. That's what he wanted right?

Agent Coulson blinked and then nodded slowly. "So you can control ice then..." I gave him and nod as a yes. Then, he looked at a paper on his clipboard and sighed. He turned to leave and I felt as if I had to tell him, everything.

"Agent..." He stopped and looked around at me slowly. He titled his head, waiting. "I... don't know how but I've been able to control ice and snow since I was little... a little over three hundred years ago. I've hurt people with it before.. but I'm learning to control myself. People think I'm dead... that's why you don't have a record of me. You want to know who I am? I am Elsa the Snow Queen of Arendelle."

"Now that's the truth I was looking for."

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