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I break the silence first, "B-Blake," I called him and his gaze meets mine once again. "Can I take my reward now?" I don't know what I am thinking but wanted to do this. I don't want to lose my sanity over the things I never tried.


I inhale and exhale harshly which I earned a chuckle from him. "Uhm," I started, I wanted to make it sound like 'I just wanna try' and not to give him the idea that I really want it.

"Ask anything Hunt," he said.

"Can I-" I bite my bottom lip to suppress the shaking in my voice.

He hummed his answer while caressing my cheek. Every time he touches me, I leaned to it as if my life depends on it.

"What is it?"

He bites his luscious red lips and I'm lost. I grab his nape and initiate the kiss. He kissed me back. Our tongue fighting for dominance and the simple kiss turned into a hot French kiss. No one wanted to pull, no one wanted to stop it until we both are panting, gasping for air as if we are both deprived with oxygen.

He pulls me and leaned his forehead into mine while caressing the back of my head. We are still panting as if we run miles away. He groups my face and tilted my head. What surprise me is that, he kissed my forehead like a lover to his love of his life which made my heart stop to beat for a second. My gaze met his and we remained like that for over a minute before he breaks our gaze and our silence.



"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you feel something towards Alex?" I didn't saw it coming. I didn't know why he has to ask about that.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Why'd you ask?"

"Nothing. I'm just wondering since you are close to him, as in closer." He releases a chuckle which makes me relax a bit.

"He's my best friend," I shrugged my shoulder to him.

"I'm your best friend too, right?"


"But we are not that close just like how close you are to him,"

"That's because you're an asshole and he is nice,"

"Ahuh," he playfully punches me.

"Are you jealous with him?" I tease him

"Yeah, what can you do?"

"Shut up." And we both laughed at that. We haven't talk like this for a while and I miss him.

"I'm your husband yet you are closer to him," he pouted like a kid throwing his tantrum.

I just laughed out loud, "That's because you are not treating your wife very well,"

"Cheater," he said and slightly smacks me on my head which makes me burst in laughter. "I'll sleep here," he announces then stands up.

"Where are you going?"

He didn't reply instead he walks to my closet and walk back with a towel hanging in his shoulder and already half naked.


He just nodded and then enters the bathroom. After he disappears in my sight, I stand up and walk to my closet looking for clothes that may fit to Blake. I pulled a pajama and a white t-shirt. We have the same body built so I guess this can fit with him. I walk to the bed and place the found clothes at the edge of the bed.

I grab my laptop and then go to the Facebook site. Caspian just posted Kinzy and Ethan's engagement proposal. How cute. It has millions of likes already. How famous. My lips curl up in a smile. He deserves to be happy and he was lucky.

"Gosh! My sons are very hot!" that's Mom Kinzelle's, Kinzy's mom, comments on the photo where Kinzy and Ethan kissed. How supported she is with Kinzy and I'm thankful that my parents are like her, very supported.

I type my comment below Mom Kinzelle's comment: "Damn! Let's call 911 :)" I laugh internally to my silly and corny joke.

"What is that?" Blake emerged from the bathroom to the bed where I'm sitting with my eyes fixated at the laptop in my lap.

I look up. He was only wearing a towel covering his half lower body. I watch and followed as the beads of water slides down from his flat chest down to his six packs and absorbed by the towel in his waist. I swallow the large lump forming in my throat when he smiles mischievously.

"Ah, our pictures, Caspi already posted it." I said and fix back my gaze at the laptop in front of me and tried so hard to really avoid the person in front of me.

He sits beside me and looks at what I've been looking. The fragrance from the shampoo and soap he used lingers in my nostril as if I didn't use the same items. It smells good to him.

"They're cute together," he said while smiling and I just nodded. "They should marry soon." He added which makes me smile.

"You think?"

"Yeah," he said, "If I were Ethan I'll tie Kinzy sooner so that asshole won't slip away."

"Understood," I agreed and we both laugh.

"Your clothes is over there." I pointed on the clothes lying at the edge of the bed. He follows my fingers and look over to me with a puzzled look. "What?"

"Didn't I tell you that I can't sleep well with clothes on?" he said.

"What?" this is clearly a torture for me. Sleeping with him alone is already a torture how much more when he is sleeping naked beside me in the same bed, under the same quilt? "Are you kidding me?"

"Isn't it Alex is sleeping with you half naked?"

"Half naked Blake not naked," I said emphasizing every word to him.

"Ah, okay." He just said and then walks to my closet. He came back with boxers on. "Is this enough?" he sarcastically asks and I just nodded. It's better than nothing. I thought. He walks back to the side he was sitting a while ago and pushed me to the other side to have room for him. "Let's sleep, I'm kinda tired."

I just nodded. I shut down the laptop and put it at the night stand. Blake was already lying comfortably while his hand is under his head. Maybe he was thinking something since he was just staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Thinking something?"



"I'm just thinking how you can sleep with the other guy while your husband is away," he smirks.


He just laughed happily. He moved closer to me then inserted his arm under my head, pulling me closer to him. He grabs my hand and wrapped it around his waist. I just let him do whatever he wants.

"I miss you," he mumbles.

"I miss you too," I answered. I snuggles closer to him, if that's possible. I can say that, that night I sleep comfortably in his chest as if I was made to be in his arms. "Good night,"

[Book 2] Game of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now