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For the last time, I pulled brush through my hair and turned to face a mirror. They say that people see their reflection ten times more beautiful than it really is... Well, in that case, I'm screwed.

-Grace, we're running out of time! - My brother's voice called from downstairs.

-I know! - I yelled back.

While trying to get all the hair I had left after brushing in one nice looking bun, I ran down the stairs and through the living room, heading right to the kitchen. I got there just in time to see my brother zip up his backpack, loaded full with food.

-You ready? - He didn't even wait for my answer and jumped up, ready to go.

-What's there not to be ready for? - I murmured under my nose, but kept only a few steps behind him.

As every saturtday, we went out camping. Each time was a different place, I was not supposted to know where exactly we were going. Actually, if you ask me, I see no reason to why we do it. It's a family tradition, I suppose. If you call going nowhere and stuffing food in ourselves while doing so a tradition. And if you count me and my brother a family.

I was looking outside, my head pressed against the window, as we drove through the woods. It's been a long time since we drove like this together in silence. Without talking. We were ten minutes away from the beach, when I spotted some dark shape moving along our car near in the woods.

-Hey - I said, but couldn't take my eyes of this moving thing.

-Yeah? - I saw his head turning towards me.

-You see that shape in the woods?- I lifted my hand up, to point my finger, but out of a sudden, as my brother moved to see past me, the dark shape started fading, as in it would move deeper in the woods.

-What are you talking about, sis? There's nothing, but woods, - He gave me a weird look and shook his head.

-I know it sounds odd, but it was there! - I raised my voice a little.

He didn't believe me. And neither did I myself. What the hell WAS that thing?

-I'm not in the mood, ok? As if this could get any worse.- he frowned and turned on radio to some noisy station.

I let out my breath and returned to gazing outside. Something inside me arched to get out of the car and run in the woods. To go looking deeper and deeper. To prove he's wrong. To prove that I'm not going insane. Seeing thing wasn't a good sign that I knew for sure.

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