New Comings

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    Aaliyah looked down and she didn't know what to feel. Tears ran down her face but at the same time she was excited. "I'm going to be a mom" she thought, and in that moment life seemed great the excitment of becoming a mother is amazing. The only problem was that she just turned 18 ONE WEEK AGO; her parents would flip. "Aaliyah Marie Rodrigez, get your ass down her you have to be at work in 10 mins, hurry your slow ass up!" her dad shouted from the living room. She ran to her room hide the pregnancy test and ran down the stairs. It was a quiet car ride but they usually were, but this specific card ride was really quiet. She saw that her dad kept glancing at her.  " Whats wrong?"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      " Nothing Dad, just thinking about how graduation is in two weeks and i stil don't have a dress." She giggled lightly                                                   " Don't worry about it ally ( ally is Aaliyah's nickname) I'll take you to the mall tuesday."   All she could do was think about coming a mother she didn't know how to handle it. She came home that night after work and did her nightly routine she started to feel nauseous and decided to lay down. "how am I supposed to tell him? How will he take it? I need to call Marie i still haven't told her she's been my best friend for 10 years she deserves to know besides we've been through everything together." she thought.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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