Chapter 1: Introductions

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  "Thank you sir," I replied and straightened up like a soldier.

"Please call me Kazuma," the man smiled at me and it was starting to creep me out.

For the first time since I got here I took in my surroundings. It was beautiful. The city was made of clouds and colored shades of blue. Then I realized that Kazuma was waiting on me. I snapped back from awestruck state and once again faced Kazuma.

"Rosemary, you have been brought here for a very important mission. My son, Yuma, sometimes needs help. I want you to help him to protect Astral. Is that okay?" Kazuma questioned.

"Yeah but um what about me just suddenly arriving without any history anywhere?" I inquired as a response.

"All that has been taken care of. Your appearance has been changed so you fit in more. I didn't want you to look in the mirror and freak out," Kazuma told me as he gestured for us to walk into one of the nearby buildings that I assumed were his house.

"Okay what exactly do I look like now?" I asked curious about my new appearance.

"Go upstairs and in the first room on your right is a room with a mirror and a bag of basic needs for your life in Heartland City," Kazuma responded as we walked into the house.

I ran up the stairs and went directly to the room Kazuma told me about. It was just like he told me. The door was open so I walked right in. On the back wall was a full-length mirror and I walked up to it. I was astonished by my new appearance.

I had ombré light blue hair that ran down to just above the waist and pleasant facial features. I had pale skin that seemed to almost glow. My eyes were a pale blue that was almost white. My school uniform had been replaced by a t-shirt and jean shorts and my flats had been replaced by a pair of black high tops. Then on my waist was my deck boxes. I loved the new appearance more than my normal one.

I grabbed the bag sitting on the bed and ran down the stairs. Kazuma was sitting on the couch watching tv but, turned around to face me when he heard to come down the stairs. I walked over to the couch and sat down beside him. Silence filled the air as we just looked at each other wondering who was going to speak first. I decided to break the silence.

"Thanks for everything. Anything else I should know?" I inquired not wanting to be lacking information that I could have.

"Yes. First, your deck from the real world was transported here when you were," Kazuma briefly pointed to one of my deck boxes on my waist.

"Thank you. I hate using a deck that's not mine," I sighed in relief because of my strong dislike for using a deck that wasn't mine.

"Second, your duel disk is one shaped like a crescent moon that is curved outwards that is in a new digital format. It is light blue and black. Your duel gazer is actually a duel tattoo that is magenta and your left iris will change to a light teal with it when activated. You do have a D-pad that is the same colors as your duel disk for school and other uses,"Kazuma continued as I nodded to acknowledge that I understood what he was saying.

"I wondered about that since everyone else had one when they dueled and since I would need one because I most likely have to duel to protect Yuma and Astral," I commented and daydreamed a bit about dueling.

"Third, in order to protect not only yourself but Yuma, Astral, and their friends from the Barians I have given you special abilities that can be used in a pinch. You are able you float or fly, create balls of energy to fire as offense if you are being attacked, and create a shield or protected area if you need protection from anything. But, be careful because they deal a great amount of stress on your body so be careful,"Kazuma finished as he stood up and turned off the tv.

To:Yuma From:DadWhere stories live. Discover now